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year 2020.

You were immediately regretting your decision by the time you closed the door to your apartment.

In every state of your well-being, you were in a bad place while walking towards your destination. Especially considering your initial discovery last night and your venture alone to the hospital where your supposed suspect is "working" in, you were royally fucked to the point of no return.

We are doing this for Armin was your chosen mantra for the day, added with If we die, we died content. Although you weren't ready to be dead, clinging onto the neat pile of paper Annie gave you days before and with Ymir's humble donations, it was more than enough to keep Armin up and answer a few questions you had in mind.

Although arriving in the hospital, you were greeted (thankfully not by Doctor Jaeger, but) by one of your students, "Annie?"

"She's with me." the same student told the person by the front. Thankfully, between your confused expression and the person's fake smiles, Annie dragged you towards the elevator without a trace of hesitation.

"Ahh, Miss Leonhart." one of the nurses called Annie once you both were inside the elevator, with the reminder of you still being confused, "Here to see the young Smith?"

Annie informed the nurse without any emotion and expression but had laced the coldness with, "His name is Armin Arlert. Never once was it Smith."

The nurse just laughed in return before the elevator arrived at their floor and bade the two of you goodbye which presumably fell to deaf ears as the wind rushed pass yours with the relentless pace of Annie to the outside of Armin's room. You opened the door slowly, seeing that Annie was waiting for you to do so, and saw Armin already awake and looking out the window as if it was a film in display.

"Professor!" Armin exclaimed once he caught sight of you in his room, "Thank you for visiting, it's been awhile."

You smiled at him and sat by the side of his bed, "I came as soon as you were ready for more visitors. I'm glad you're still acting like yourself. The lavenders were picked by Hange, by the way, said it accentuates the blue of your eyes or something."

Also, you forgot to mention the enthusiasm Hange had as your beloved partner (in crime most of all) had created a hearty (burnt) breakfast and what seemed to be a bouquet of lavender flowers wrapped in parchment paper. The said bouquet was now in Annie's grasp as she takes it from the now felt paper you carefully fixed with to insert it with the rest of the flowers in a cramp vase.

"Has anyone else visit you?" you asked him, earning a no from both Armin and Annie.

"You were the first, considering Annie being here from the moment she knew and a killer on the loose." Armin said with enthusiasm but noticed the frown you tried to cover at the mention of a killer, "Thank you for visiting, and... that."

He added after seconds of silence, "I know the headmaster wants to know and brought you. What do you want to know?"

Your gaze softens and shook your head, "I didn't come here because Erwin told me to, he didn't tell me to do anything at all. But... I can't help but want to know, too. Whoever did this must be tied to whoever's doing everything else now."

A grimace fell to your face as you looked away, "It's just frustrating to have to tell Erwin everything afterwards because I'll need a report on that now. Are you willing to tell us of what you know or do you need time? Or you don't want to? I'm not going to force you into anything."

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