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ġēar 850.

The sun was only about to rise and the place has been in distraught and rampage was stomping all over by the mass panic that ensued at the sight of the large titans that was in full display, being twice the size of the Colossus Titan. You were stuck with Hange while Historia decided to help in stopping her father no matter the cost.

It was the first time you and Hange made the same expression. You were more reserved at the sight of a titans internal organs whereas Hange was exuding sparkles with an agape mouth and widen eyes behind sparkling eyes. Either way, the two of you were fascinated it made you retrograde unwillingly to a much more miserable being.

Watching Historia proclaim her reclaiming the throne and her destiny made you realize more questions and ideas in your mind. Did this mean that they were already one step closer to solving the problems? Or did they open an entire set of new ones?

Do they remember the goals they kept fighting for in the first place?

Either way, a new reign of monarch rule across Paradis Island with Queen Historia's coronation to be held in a few days. And a new life to begin with when they proclaimed you free from the grudges of fake nobility.

The Blosthryre land on Wall Sina was given back to you from government property. Your family's reputation has been restored, as if it was thrown away at first. Previous staff and people who were helped tremendously by the Blosthryre's were willing to help you build up again and resume their positions. Reclaiming your life to the way it was isn't easy, but these things did help a lot and made it easier.

Right now, you have been housed by the Queen herself as a sign of gratitude, empathy, and friendship. Not that you didn't mind. The food served was great. Seeing yourself in high end fashion and accessories wasn't something you expected. It was another one of those things that made you nostalgic, making you realize how you missed it. But beneath all this, you can feel that a lot of things are missing.

Making a turn on the large castle, your heels sounding off on the marble like floor. You can hear the Queen and her friends walking away from the person you doing your best not to see. However, the smile plastered on his face didn't look right and at the same time it did.

You approached the man and let out a snarky comment, "You need to work on your smile."

"Tch." the smile on his face contorted back to its original form, "I don't need your opinion."

"Yeah, you don't." you suppressed a chuckle at the sound before walking away from him.

It was fairly obvious what you were trying to do, which is the complete opposite of what you wanted to happen. And at the sight of your retreating figure, it was Levi's turn to do something beyond his itinerary, "Oi, where are you going?"

You arched a brow, "My room?"

He walked beside you, asking, "Where's the kitchen?"

Before you can even point him to the direction, he continued on walking a considerable away from you. A sound of annoyance came out of your nose, crinkling it in a grimace before following suit. You already know what was happening.

The art of learning the words of man is complex. Then this man came along and made life in general a fucking masterpiece. You take in the few minutes of walking behind him, drinking the sights of him like a raven scouring the tops of the woods. He had taken longer strides now and his hands carelessly dangles on his sides. From where you were, he seemed to be more relaxed and content—two things you weren't able to provide.

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