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CHAPTER XVIII. Vergissmeinnicht [German - Forget-Me-Not]

ġēar 850.

The extra edition of the Berg Newspapers everyone's talking about contained an article with testimony from Flegel Reeves, the son of the late boss of the Reeves Company, who managed to escape the scene of his father's murder. Now all of Trost District knows that the Interior Military Police not only threatened the Reeves Company, but also arranged the ploy to frame the Survey Corps for the massacre of civilians. They also accused all other information outlets of bowing to pressure from the Royal Government.

Finally, they have reported that King Fritz is a pretender to the throne. A member of the Interior Squad close to the center of the Royal Government has testified that the true king is living in hiding as a rural aristocrat.

"Which means the false charges against the Survey Corps are gone. You acted in legitimate self-defense." Squad Leader Hange explained whilst letting the Squad Levi read the contents of the letter, "The Royal Capital and the Administrative District are provisionally under Commander-in-chief Zackly's control. The nobles haven't counter-attacked."

"We're free now."

At the exact utterance of those words, the younger soldiers broke into a victory party and was joined by the two Military Police soldiers who were with Hange. Levi was still scanning the contents of the letter, thinking how their name was cleared in a short time. You sat against the tree you've been laying on since your rescue, still gathering enough strength to move your feet.

"Hange." Levi called out to the person beside him, "Those three you entrusted me with, I let them die... I'm sorry."

Four Eyes looked at him, "Well, at least you neutralized those gun-toting bastards."

"Not all of them. The leader and his team are off somewhere with Eren and Historia."

Amidst the celebration of the Survey Corps, Hitch and Marlowe noticed the fugitive against a tree. You in a bad shape, probably beaten up by them for information. They look at one another and walked towards you, only to stop when Levi began talking to you, "You said something about Kenny killing them."

"He said he had kids to put in coffins in but he wasn't one for metaphors." you rolled your eyes, "Said something about going to church."

"Just tell us you figured it out."

"I didn't." you answered truthfully, "But I know there's this chapel in Wall Rose we used to be escorted to by MP's, was said to belong to the Reiss family."

"Why is Glover still here?" Hange asked, cautious and confused, "Levi said you went to Sina and investigate."

The Squad Leader looked at you. Through hazelnut eyes, you looked worse than when they rescued you months ago. You were worse, not even to stand without clutching your stomach in hurt or wall support to help you walk.

"Glovewort is a Blosthryre, Hange."

There was a glint of the unknown that shone on Hange's glasses, "The MP had something to say about them too."

You let out a scoff, disbelief in your eye roll, "They raised the bounty reward on me?"

"You were dead. They—we captured you and died that night. I saw it." Marlowe interjected, being one of the MP soldiers who was working for the Survey Corps from now on.

You chuckled at the recollection of your untimely death in the hands of the Interior Military Police, "Might as well leave me here to die. I'm no use for you anyways."

"You will be if you talk." said Hange, "The only lead we have is the speculation based on Reiner and Bertolt's words and actions. They said Eren's going to be eaten and gain his titan powers."

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