twenty three.

18 0 0


Warnings. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) for a lemon slice

year 2020.

The walk to your home was silent with your hand melting on the heat of his palm. Well, you were melting at this point because of the heat of the sun at three in the afternoon more but that didn't matter to Levi at all. He was already exuding with hot anger by the time you two left the hospital, not once stopping even when you saw Jean enter the same hospital with a bouquet in hand. For all you know, he could be dragging you away from society and be last seen running out of the hospital.

You were going to die.

Unfortunately, your struggle to let the tight grip on you just disconnect from your wrist. Not that it was cutting off your blood circulation or he was leading you to your doom. No, it was far worse than that. Knowing Levi, you'll be trapped in his tea shop and forced to clean until tomorrow and waste your day off away.

At least if he asks you why you went to the library, you can say instincts kicked in or something. Your mind trails around then thinks about the scene you had to witness. By the time you saw him, every ounce of you was in a state of shock and despite having the need to find what happened, you had to act instantly and bring him to someone who can help. Although it wasn't explicitly said to you by Erwin, you did know that what happened to Armin wasn't what the doctor suggested. And for some reason, you feel like Levi is thinking the same thing.

What did Armin have that they needed or was it just pure coincidence? It was horrible for someone to attack someone, to attack anyone that way.

"Stop thinking too much about it, dumbass." the man beside you wasn't taking much off your shit anymore. It was stupid enough for him to care when you get mopey, but he can't help but care whenever you do. Especially when he has to drag you by the hand to operate around Aelindr. Babysitting you wasn't supposed to be his job but it didn't say he was obliged to hold your hand whenever you felt something. The act became silent only to your lips, not wanting to ask why in fear of him letting go.

You don't need him to entwine his hand to yours when you were scared or sad or whatever fluttering you were feeling in your stomach just now, but you weren't one to complain.

Arriving at the tea shop was more relaxed than you anticipated, at least relaxed for the meantime. The whole place was empty and the lights were off, the chairs on top of the tables except for yours and for Levi's at a moment. You stayed by one of the tables as Levi disappeared behind the kitchen doors. Whether he was making tea or brandishing the knife for a quick stab didn't matter. But your heart did get relieved when he got out with a tray—twin cups and a teapot set, probably a longer discussion between you two then.

By the time you filled his cup and were sitting in peace, he broke the silence building up, "Armin was poisoned."

"I thought so too." you told him honestly, "Did Erwin say who?"

He gave you a small head shake. To be fair, no one knew who would do such a thing to Armin. No hate crimes or crimes of any matter comes to your head, just bad civilian luck. Bad luck that caused Armin to suffer inside a locked library that only you and he had the key to.

A chilly breeze ran past your spine, "Am I in trouble?"

If there was one thing you do realize was that your involvement, although it was all out of the pure intention to help Armin, doesn't prove you guilty but it doesn't exactly prove you innocent either. You just wanted to do what you do, that's all, find your shit within the library then move on.

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