twenty nine.

10 0 0


Warning: Violent Imagery

year 2020.

"The killer had strike the carnival; a nine year old was found dead and heavily sedated. I'll tell you the rest of it later when we get home."

You remained silent all throughout the rest of the journey back, putting up a persona just when someone was sent home. Hange can't blame you for doing so though, even if your friend didn't know you knew of a killer didn't void you from horror and sorrow in thinking how brutal this man may be. It was much more frustrating now that you weren't able to help as you intended to do so.

Watching Historia and Ymir get out of the bus with the smile, you notice the taller of the two look at you with a distinctive gaze although you weren't sure what it had meant at the moment. You did by the time you three had brought the bus back to the university and walked home side by side, clutching the papers Ymir had stolen from one of the members of Clarafer.

Hange, bless this unresting soul, had noticed and began pestering you almost immediately, "What's that?"

"Ymir gave it to me." you looked at it and skimmed them, "She just...happened upon it."

Mike begin scrunching his nose at the smell of poor lying and Hange's lips curled to a smirk. You also noticed Mike with one hand in his pocket and the other playing around with the keys for the bus, slightly remembering the emptiness of the university all the sudden. In fact, the streets were starting to empty out of people who either came from the carnival or somewhere else.

Words spreads fast in Aelindr, you always said, the only thing you hated about it was the truth behind each one of them. First the virus, then the murderer; it felt like Aelindr was beginning to be dead man's land if they hadn't realize they were one of the same.

In approaching the apartment, your two companions were in a deep conversation that has been happening outside an earshot. You turned around and see the two towering giants look at you back like bodyguards babysitting you. That was when you turned back and stopped mid spin when your eyes locked with grey coals that seemingly began to burn at the sight of you; out of hatred and spite, you would never know.

Your lips quiver unconsciously before you could even look away, your mind scolding you for doing so. Space; that's what he probably needs you to give him, and you were fine with it. It was just weird to see him after so many days avoiding the haunting thoughts of him, the sight of him—anything there is to do with him.

In your spiral descend to madness, you didn't see your boss beside him who had a knowing look shot towards the man with a tight grip on the handle of the teacup which broke after enough pressure. Hange and Mike nodded at one another before the tallest walked to the tea shop and your roommate escorted you to your apartment.

At the exact click of the door lock, Hange turned to you, "I'llexplain everything to you later, but please stay here for now. It won't take long, I promise."

Before you could even open your mouth and say something, your roommate hurriedly open the door that was just closed and sprinted away from you. You didn't looking outside the wide open door Hange left open, instead closing it before discarding your bag and paper on the desk and let your body collide with the bed with a satisfying plop. At least what should've been satisfying in a great day. Right now, you felt nothing but the emotion of shoving this emotions up someone's throat for them to have this burden.

You hated this feeling.

Levi looked at his broken teacup handle that he had on his hand. Tch. This was why he disliked teacup handles, the durability wasn't of his strength or even the brute force of the chomps of a still toothless infant. That wasn't his only problem though.

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