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CHAPTER XIV. Bishop-Weed

year 2020.

Sometimes you can't help but think what you did to deserve a life like this.

It was a school day and you had the pleasure of attending class at nine in the morning. The sun was smiling down at you, unintentionally trying to burn you alive. The roads were basically cracking and diverging from one another, hoping for you to fall down in one of the pits to an unending abyss. You walked your way to the pedestrian crossing, hoping someone was dumb enough to hit you with their car. Not to mention your bed has been texting you to come home because it misses you, wait it was actually Hange.

Oh, and it was a Monday. How appalling.

You didn't resent coming to school, it was your obligation. And you were not a student anymore so you had the upper hand. You also woke up even before nine so time wasn't the reason to your absolute horror of stepping foot to SL University.

After that night, men and women from the traveling monks were roaming around the once almost deserted streets of Aelindr. If the circumstances were different, you would be grateful that a lot of people were somehow interested in this small town. The problem was whatever they were interested in didn't match yours. Thankfully, Levi, who was thinking quick, brought you to the back door and shoved you out of his tea shop a few minutes after all of them were a good distance away.

You walked up and plopped face down the couch, greeting Hange with a hum as the said alien was sitting down on the carpet with an imaginary tooth since prohibition. You turned your head to the side, seeing your roommate before sighing at the both of your pettiness. Hange looked at you, "Are you alright?"

"Peachy." you sat up to rub your head before standing up, "You want anything?"

The bespectacled character declined and was about to say something before the sound of your apartment window shatter. You let out an almost manly shout and drop, roll, and cover. They found you, whatever they were for whatever you did. You weren't ready to become a fugitive on the run, you've got so much to live for.

Hange took the thing thrown inside, the same paperweight gifted to you. Taking a glance at the window, Hange's concentrated and serious face, one thing you never see even during the mad scientist's experiments, broke out to a scoff, "What was that for?"

Then Hange's face turned to a grin then called out your name, "Darling, someone's on the phone for you."

You went to the window and found, "Levi? Why did you...?"

"Tch." that was the only thing that came out of his mouth, the only answer to your question before leaving. Levi will definitely be the death of you.

The big problem you were faced with now wasn't related to either school or that encounter, it was your recent flaw you realized with finishing the side project you had. Regret was creeping into your nape and you kept cursing on curiosity for making your life harder than it was supposed to be. 

One piece of historical written text, it was all you needed, but your ambitious ass said no, get a fuck ton more. And now you were drowning in a sea of words that didn't make sense in modern day Aelindr.

All day and night, you've been investing your time, blood, sweat, and tears in literature that you didn't even have the actual need to be interacting with. You carried the words around your chest like your own child and slept beside it every night like a lover. You were nothing but pathetic and a hypocrite, accusing Hange of obsessiveness when you were suffering the same way.

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