twenty four.

12 0 0


year 2020.

A grunt of grogginess was the first sound Levi heard when he woke up the morning after. The sun was peeking through the horizon as if waiting for the raven haired man to get up first. He had come to later realize his mouth grunting at the dehydration he feels as if he slept without drinking his before sleeping cup of tea. But despite this lack of water, he felt refreshed, felt as if it was the best sleep he had in a long time.

He attempted to sit up straight from his bed, which was the first time he laid on it for a long time. The digital clock he had read 6:30 in the morning and a waft of an unfamiliar invaded his nostrils. He had his fists tightly gripped on the blankets keeping him warm. Adding to his warm feeling was the added weight of your arm wrapped around his waist.

His eyes seemed to betray his sight and mind when he saw you spooning him while you both were sleeping naked beside one another.

Oh. He tched, remembering what happened last night. The wine bottle was still uncapped and mostly full on the bedside table. Both of your clothes hanging by the ends of the bed, obviously kicked off from... that. He slowly peeled himself off the bed and picked up the articles of clothing, folding yours before going to the bathroom.

The sight of the left to die from coldness teapot still filled with supposed to be delectable tea almost broke his heart if he hadn't felt too full from his fill of you last night.

He didn't have enough time of think about what happened or you as he hastily took a shower and rushed down to fix his shop. For the first time, he was expecting guests. Well, he was going to entertain the unwanted yet expected guests to come for a tea party even if he did not want to.

A lot of things feel odd even when everything's in place or was it because it's been the first time in a long time when these things would happen to him. Was he feeling moody or in the mood? It's been so long since he recognized other feelings until you arrived like a hand slapping his emotionally constipated ass.

An emotion of confusion dropped when he recognize another; the emotion of annoyance at the sight of Hange by the door with a paper bag of a new set of clothes that you owned. Not only was it annoying to be greeted by something so early but confusing to realize when Hange was the first person to arrive at their pity party when both of them have frown on their faces.

He unlocked the door, "Tough shit?"

"I found nothing." hazelnut eyes looked behind glass spectacles, "You think Nile and Pixis would believe us?"

Levi uttered your name, "The idiot is innocent; was given a lead too yesterday."

They looked at one another, the smaller of them waiting for the other to stop that shitty face. In a flash, a sigh of relief came out from parted lips. Hange covered the said shitty face behind calloused palms before shouting, "Thank fuck!"

The two of them were unwilling to believe your involvement with whatever was happening. To be honest, they both didn't know the entirety of the shit falling down on earth. All they knew were their instincts believing that coincidences don't happen by coincidences, the spread of the virus in L'Mayre is the same person who hurt Armin. At the intent of hurting a child, they knew they had to act. But when the said child was Erwin's nephew, the attacker would wish they were never born.

Keeping you here was Levi and Hange's plan for the latter to find anything linking you to their potential suspects and the crime scene in your room. Thankfully, Hange thrashed your room enough for you to think that it's only normal for you. To Levi, Hange, Erwin, and Nanaba, you were innocent (maybe Mike too, but he doesn't really care). But Nile, the head doctor of MP Hospitals, and Pixis, the commissioner of Garrison Guards, didn't believe your closeness to them were ploys.

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