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CHAPTER XV. Blinde Netel [Old English (OE)- Archangelica]

ġēar 850.

It took you a day to travel to Wall Sina, would've taken a day and a half if you were extra careful. People didn't have the actual will to recognize who you are, everyone busy with their own things and uncaring for the other unfortunate beings. You left at the middle of the night and saw transporters who were Wall Rose bound. It worked for a while, hitching up to the back of a cart that was unused until the owner saw you and demanded payment. All you could offer was a story and when he didn't accept, you gave him a concussion.

The MP were still missing in action, or at least busy with other things they were dealing with. If you had to prioritize, you would take on the operating Survey Corps squad who have been threatening to out their secrets. And after this they'll go back to hunting you. If you're lucky in trusting the Corps to win the fight, you won't be killed mercilessly. So, with your last mission in effect, you had to collect information or even just going down under and leave everything behind.

Simple as they are, it was hard to rummage through the thoroughly burnt interior of your previous home. Your memories were a blur but you can remember how this place used to stand tall and differ from other houses, being placed on healthy land where flowers bloom at their own will. Now it was just burnt wood and trampled grass. There was nothing to salvage within the small confines of the house, not even the small guest hall or your room. Everything was just gone, probably taken by the Interior Squad and the Wallists, anything that belonged to you and your family taken.

And it wasn't like you didn't expect this. It wasn't the first time you entered the place ransacked a few years after the incident and it felt like nothing had changed. You were led here for no reason and you believed it, believed him.

A snarl appeared on your lips, not appreciating the naivety you still possessed towards people you spend time with. Of course Levi would lead you astray and what's more was him stupidly promising he would visit you, or was it you stupidly believing his lies? He was probably killing the same people you were running away for years right now.

Tch. It was only morning, the sun was hanging higher in the sky but the birds stopped chirping since minutes ago. You rolled your eyes, saying goodbye to the open door of the house, and headed to the large gaping hole you haven't seen for a while. The ODM gear you stole should be back home, down under, or hopefully still is. If not, you'll have to find a new tactic in hunting.

By the time you were a step away from falling down the hole, the familiar feeling of the barrel of a gun was pointed at the back of your head. All the blood on your face was drained as your eyes dart at the faces you've encountered many times circle around you. They each had a gun of their own, much like the soldiers back in the Survey Corps. But for the first time have you seen every gun pointed at you.

Their leader kicked you at the back of your knees, letting you fall easily an inch to the hole. One slip, head first, and you'll lose all sign of life in an instant. Thankfully, the person was generous enough to pull gun back and hold onto the back of your collar.

He held you by the hair, pulling it and from behind and made you see him eye to eye. A smirk dancing around his thin lips. His eyes dark and around. The fedora wearing fucker finally caught you.

Fuck. "Oh, it's just you."

Kenny's smirk grew wider and a laugh emitted from his throat, "You haven't changed a bit, you little runt."

The Interior Squad of the Military Police were good at their job, eradicating the problem before the secret of the Walls would fall to unwanted ears. They were too good that they somehow failed against an unexperienced doctor and her small counterpart. Your family were previous Wallists proclaimers who ran away from their obligation from the mission just because they simple do not believe in the same god as once before and expect to keep themselves quiet. They expected you all to take the punishment like the life you live by, not expertly zigzag across the pathways of the underground.

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