twenty six.

13 0 0

CHAPTER XXVI. Blue Cornflower

year 2020.

You sat quietly on one of the chair in Levi's tea shop, the said owner sulking on his room a floor above. The sign outside marked closed as he didn't have the need to open the shop for the meantime. Despite not knowing anything you still tried your best to be there for Levi as much as possible. Right now you were waiting for an explanation but definitely not from him.

On the glass door was the figure of a man walking towards the café, Erwin in his tall glory amidst the early fog of the day after the chaos. He opened the unlocked door and entered with caution, his pace finding quickness when he was suddenly seated in front of you.

After what had happened yesterday, you had forced Levi to sleep the night. Jean visited his friend once more after you departed from Armin's room. You remembered the way your heart began leaping at the fast paces of the doctor and Levi, not knowing where you were headed or what happened this time. Whoever she was meant a lot to Levi and reading her name written at the clipboard at the edge of her bed, you realized why.

Kuchel Ackerman, that was the name of his mother as you come to learn in the midst of all that was happening.

It was the first time you saw Levi devastated, suppressed and yet overflowing at the same time. He had his hands clenched shut still, the flowers he had that day now trampled and destroyed tremendously. He couldn't find the right words to say or enough to muster the courage at the sight of his lifeless mother, there were no words to let out at the suddenness of what had happened.

That night you tucked him into bed, literally wrapping him in his blanket so he wouldn't dare stand and refuse your forced kindness upon him. And the thing is, he didn't put much of a fight. During these times, you tried to understand what was going through his head but you weren't to press on any further. All you can offer now is miserable yet soothing company for the meantime.

Flash forward to the morning after, Erwin was sitting in front of you with the grim expression he had whenever he was thinking too deep into his head. Both of your hands were on the table as you looked at the man with emotions he cannot process. Peaking was the unstoppable desire of wanting to know from the top dog himself.

For the first time, you stood your ground to the tall man, "Is there anything I can help you with, boss?"

"Just Erwin is fine." his eyes darted around, "Where's Levi?"


"That's new. He rarely sleeps."

"Well, he won't be coming down after a few hours." you showed him a piece of paper Levi had with him coming home, "I assume this was what you needed from him and why you're here now. Unfortunately, I am not sure whether or not my intuition is correct."

You moved the paper away from him as his jaw clenched, "Oh, so it is important. But I'm guessing, how?"

Seconds passed and he chuckled under his breath, "You can be a bit ruthless sometimes, I like that."

He shifted to his well-known position, his hands covering every feature of his handsomeness except for those piercing blue eyes that he expected you to cower from. Lucky for you, you had conquered the forest of giant trees walking amidst the tallest of men and women, rejecting the idea of fear of them a long time ago.

"What do you need?" his voice low yet booming despite the muffles his hands had on him, "Longer days off, fully paid? A better place to stay? Or just money, full stop?"

"I want to know what the fuck is going on right now." you demanded, "I know that this virus is not real and someone's been trying to kill people left and right. But I want to know why you had to drag Levi into this. I bet you dragged Hange and Mike into this game of detective detective as well."

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