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CHAPTER VIII. Popiġ [Old English (OE)- Poppy]

ġēar 850.

The next days to complete a month were not as bad as you thought it was. From the day you were brought here, there've been a few footsteps atop that could be heard. Night time comes and the only light source was the moon but because of the small windows, you barely can see around. 

Thankfully there were soldiers who were stupid enough to help you with what you need. Probably their higher ups didn't mention the sole reason you're trapped. If they were compassionate to people behind bars, they probably have something to take from you like your limbs or to use you as a decoy.

Somehow these men and women seemed to not have an agenda to harm you. They give you more bread than what was intended for you. Your cellmate has a lantern that helps you both see better during the night. Unlike you, the true person who was suffering was your cellmate who is constantly asked to assist the experiments of your carer. Experiments of what? 

Come to think of it, you were already outside the walls of the walls to the inner city. You could understand that the pigs within the inner city need to be kept in pigpens, but why did they have to install big ass walls for to the whole nation? Why did it feel like there has been an ongoing war with other nations?

Your cellmate was a boy, probably half your age. There was a hint of passion in his eyes whenever he talked about saving humanity and how he was to contribute more to it. He showed more to show lack of self-tendencies in committing to an he thinks is right for him, even going as far as to ending up dead one day after killing the whole of humanity.

Other than the boy, a girl was always frequenting your cell to give you your meal. Blonde hair that looked orange glistening on golden hours. She gave you your meals three times a day, as you mentioned, and even added a few more at times. While you eat, they eat up top with your cellmate and carer, not that you cared. You better eat alone than with others. But you're mind drifts on to the people you left down under, your people, your children. What has happened to them since your departure? Did they make use of your gear and done things on their own?

During these times, you begin to stop munching on your food. How can you freely hog off food without any problems when the people depending on you are still struggling? Your feeling of guilt always catches you off guard and leaves you unable to bit another tear of your bread. Sometimes, this makes the soldier on duty ask you why you haven't finished it all but you never answer. You don't think you should be talking to them, for their sake. Especially with the man from the Underground always around.

Day by day, they learn a few information about you but never what was true. Your name was Glove Worth, it always was to them but they never call you that unless needed to. You would never answer back anyways. You were with them because you were a wanted criminal and a reliable asset to revolution if there were to be one. They also have a hunch against the MP and they were able to tool you for their gain, probably why you were kept alive for that sake. Despite their role for you, you learned that the people here were a variety of good men and jackasses with somehow good intentions.

You still can't understand how your cellmate, who was in the good men spectrum, was even in a cell. And furthermore, what did he do to have him be able to leave his cell? You didn't ask him, you never waste your voice on something other than interrogation. But one day, after a large explosion was heard that even reached your side of the dungeon, you heard him and the man talk by the stairs. Something about being a mortal enemy of the human race and killing titans were the things they talked about. 

Why did the word seem familiar to you? Was he a part of this organization, cult named Titans? Why did they have to kill them? Was he a double agent? Whatever the titans did and how it ties to your cellmate, it must've been something real valuable, more than your purpose.

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