2. Journey Into The Unknown

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Music for the chapter: Most Girls by Hailee Steinfeld.

Music for the chapter: Most Girls by Hailee Steinfeld

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I used to hear from people that all it takes is just one moment to change our lives. I usually wouldn't believe that. I believed in the fact that one has to build their lives as the go and it the effect of our own actions that change lives. If we want to change our situation, we have to work on it.

I enjoyed the regularity of our lives. My early morning rising while Adi is still busy snoozing off. She just manages to show up while Nana's morning prayers are going on. Always hurrying up for school bus and just ending up stuffing food in her mouth.

That was all normal and I always felt comforted in that regularity of our lives. A week ago, everything was normal. Adi and I met up with our school friends. Adi went shopping. We had planned out our trip to Bali. We were trekking into the forest and had begun to repair our old treehouse. We were around seven when we had made that treehouse. The most frivolous additions were made. We used to play there in the summer till we were around 15. After that, things got busier and we found other hobbies. So, just now we were about to repair it so we can use it again.

Our regular beach trips. We often would go up to the river beach and sit there. Or we would be going to the orphanage and spend some time with the kids there.

"Can I come in?" Nani asked.

"Nani, you know you don't have to ask. You can just walk in."

I continued packing.

"I know that it must be quite a change and I know you're not very excited about sudden changes."

"It isn't much about the change, Nani, but more about having no idea how to exactly go about this. I have no idea what to do, what to expect and where is this leading. That's the thing bothering me.."

"Devansh means you are born with some powers from the gods. Most devansh attain it through their energy while you received it genetically. Or 50% of it. At some point in your life, they will manifest. Gurukul helps you gradually tune in with those powers and teach you how to channel them properly. It is like school but for your soul."

"What am I expected to do?"

Nani held my hand. "Being a devansh isn't easy. You will come across several difficult things. It is a responsibility. The legacy of gods. You're the legacy of Mahadev and Devi Parvati. Devansh takes part in battles against asuras."

"Like in the stories you've told us?"

"Yes. The credit usually stands long with the gods but devansh are the people who are the force and lifeline of this. The ones who would lay down their lives for the sake of what is right. The greatest ones rise to fame when they serve the purpose of gods for the longest time."

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