36. Faith... All You Need Is Faith

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Music for the Chapter: Maa by Shankar Mahadevan from Taare Zameen Par

Music for the Chapter: Maa by Shankar Mahadevan from Taare Zameen Par

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I signalled Harsh to move while Adi was speaking to him. Omkara and Harsh managed to sneak out. We had no idea how to get through this.

"Go. Find where the room is. Omkara, you go with Harsh. Harsh is bad with fights but I'm counting on you to clear out the people who get in the way. Harsh, I need you to find the room."

Harsh nodded. He took out one of the trackers. A transporter would require its reactor. Unlike the Aghoris and Shukracharya, Bali doesn't make one every time he has to go to Earth. He has a fixed created transporter machine which he uses yearly to visit Onam celebrations which is his favourite time of the year. Which is every 12 days here. On every Dwadashi, he goes to visit his people.

This was going to the heights of our skills. A test of what we are capable of. Harsh was the one who knew how to get things working. He was quite good with machines. He had already joined Maharishi Vishwamitra learning engineering science from him. 

Harsh and Omkara left to find the room. Akshay, Nandini and I were left. I signalled them to leave as well.

"We can't leave you and Adi behind," Nandini said.

"Nandini, stop being troublesome and keep walking. Sona and Alaknanda will follow us. We need to go." Akshay told her.

I handed over Vijaya to Akshay. "Do not lose it. Adi almost died to get it. If you lose it, I will somehow find a way to end you." I threatened him.

Akshay held the bow to his chest. "Not going to lose it." He held it like it was his life.

"Good. Now go. Be careful."

We gave each other one last look before he took Nandini and left with him while Shukracharya and Adi went back and forth. A few moments later, the rakshasas surrounded us.

It would be impossible to beat Shukracharya and all these rakshasas. He's the strategist. Even if we manage to fight these Rakshasas, Shukracharya is a master of maya. I had learnt that by now. He had somehow managed to master it. If not as much as mama then not as bad as Adi had it. She can't keep up for long. Also, Shukracharya will see through it because her maya isn't that powerful to keep through his own tapas. He had several centuries of tapas inside him which was the highest potential energy. Adi's own kinetic energy was nothing in comparison to it. She's a child's play to him if she starts using her powers.

We had to defeat him with wits.

"They're gone, Adi." I shouted. Shukracharya's attention then snapped to them.

"Go catch them." He told some other.

"Really, Shukracharya? The same mistake? Harsh has once fooled all the rakshasas at your own home to make his way. What makes you think he can't make up some other plan? Especially now that Omkara and Akshay are with him. They've done damage before. They can do it now. They're not mortal. Also, Omkara and Harsh are trained to fight asuras. You think that training is loose? They can easily cut through the rakshasas." I tried to tell him.

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