28. Vitala

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Music for the Chapter: Feels by Ed Sheeran, Young Thug and J Hus

Once all the soldiers were laying down, almost dead, we started running

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Once all the soldiers were laying down, almost dead, we started running. The yantra had landed us in Atala. From there we had to get from Atala to Vitala. We can't stop ahead.

"Sonakshi, we can't afford to split right now because we need to stay together. If we divide, Shukracharya will find it easier to catch us."

"In either way, it is easy for him to catch us, Omkara. Regardless of whether we're together or not."

"Yes but I just don't want to leave you alone. Just so I don't feel that it is my fault you got caught, stay together."

I nodded a yes.

We caught a transporter and went to Vitala. Nana used to tell me about the history of several temples. The idols used to be adorned with gold and several precious stones that the outsider attackers stole from us and built their kingdoms with it. Our wealth was stolen by those outsiders. They destroyed temples and looted gold and precious gemstones. All the stones which are now infamous like Kohinoor, Hope diamond, Daria-i-Noor, Dresden green diamond, Orlov diamond, Regent diamond, and several such diamonds were once belonging to the temples of India.

Most of them were offered to the Gods. Even when they didn't need it.

Vitala was sparkling with gold everywhere. Every single place that I looked, I saw gold and precious gemstones. Almost as the plants grew gold and gemstones instead of flowers in here. I had genuinely never seen a place like this.

Even the houses here were made of gold.

"How does this place even survive fires? The gold could melt due to fire." I asked.

"This is a special kind of gold. Hataka. It is the specialty of here. It looks like 24-carat gold but has the hardness of diamonds. It melts at like the temperature of the core of the earth. To create it, they use the heat of the eternal Firefall they have here."

"Fire fall?"

"Like a waterfall but instead of water, it pours down lava. Air blow over it, creating fire. That fire then mixes with the Hataki river's water and creates molten Hataka gold. They then form it into the shapes they want, for houses, they create bricks of several sizes and then create houses of gold."

"By Gods, people here are richer than Nana I think."

"Not everyone. Only Kubera."

"This is Kubera's land?"

Of course, there would be gold everywhere if this is Kubera's land. It made sense.

"There's a story of it. My grandfather tells me that several years ago, Goddess Lakshmi found herself here in Patala while finding a place to do her Tapasya. A place where no one would bother her. So, Shukracharya, with the merit of his Tapasya, created this realm here in Patala for her. She was then in form of Bhargavi, the daughter of Maharishi Bhrigu, sister of Shukracharya. Everyone needs to do some Tapasya to attain the height of their power. So, did the Goddess. She was born like any other person from a mother's womb. Bhargavi is born from Devi Khyati's womb but Adi-Mahalakshmi isn't born. She's the ever-present light in the world. Devi Parvati was born from Devi Mainavati's womb. When she did tapasya to reach Mahadev, it also helped her become Parashakti. There is a certain jounery they have to go through to become someone's daughter to become Jagadamba, Jaganmata. That journey, Maharishi Bhrigu's daughter had to complete. So, she took help from Shukracharya, her brother. He offered her this land. Back then, this was barren land."

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