20. Let The Adventures Begin

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Music for the Chapter: Just Like Fire by P!nk 

Music for the Chapter: Just Like Fire by P!nk 

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"Om Ganapataye namah."

Guru Atri and Maharishi Vashista organized the pooja. As a ritual, before every mission, the Gurus do a ritual pooja of the weapons that they would be taking to the mission.

We first invoked Ganesha and then did pooja of Goddess Durga so she extends her strength.

In that way, they awaken the weapons that are generally deactivated and kept closed. They are kept in that way so even if asuras attack and reach the barracks, the weapons won't work for them. They use sound energy to activate the weapon. The mantras are like recognition words. Only the creator of the weapon and the Gurus can wake them up once they're put to sleep. It is a lot like unlocking a phone with voice recognition. Only it isn't just the voice recognition but also the mantras which work like passwords. These mantras are used to activate astras and shastra. So, Shastra are weapons that are held in hand while astras are cast the enemy to cause large damage. After the pooja, the weapon is activated, when we repeat the mantra, it codes our voice recognition into itself and then wakes up and sleeps at our wish. Divine weapons are quite special and very powerful. So, they are expected to be kept safe.

Most of the devansh, when they are dying, deactivate the weapons so that when they're dead, the weapon doesn't fall into wrong hands while activated. 

Vijaya was supposed to be deactivated by Karna but Karna died before he could do that. Hence, it was still active and anyone powerful enough to control the energy could use it.

The point isn't whether there is anyone powerful enough to do that or not but whether, it can be sustained or not.

"Now, we're going to tell you a mantra and you will repeat." Guru Atri told me.

"Shulen pahino devi" He started.

"Shulen pahino devi" We repeated after him.

"pahi Khadagen Chambike,"

"pahi khadagen chambika"

"Ghanta Swanen Nah Pahi,"

"Ghanta swanen nah pahi"

"Chapajyanih swanen Cha"

"Chapajyanih swanen cha"

"Shrishtistithi Vinashaanam"

"Shrishtistithi vinashaanam"

"Shaktibhute Sanatani,"

"Shaktibhute sanatani"

"Gunaashraya Gunamayee"

"Gunaashraya gunamayee"

"Narayani Namostuthe"

"Narayani namostuthe."

He then signalled us to say the whole mantra together.

"Shulena pahino devi, pahi khadage na chambike, ghanta swanen nah pahi, chapajyanih swanen cha. Shristhistithi vinashaanam, shaktibhute sanatani, gunaashraya gunamayee Narayani namostute." We repeated it together.

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