15. Indra's Orders

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Music for the Chapter: Dramaqueen by Shreya Ghosal and Vishal Dadlani from Hasee toh Phasee

Regardless of how amazing I think I am, I'm seriously considering that somewhere somehow, I have managed to offend the gods by breathing the air of this earth

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Regardless of how amazing I think I am, I'm seriously considering that somewhere somehow, I have managed to offend the gods by breathing the air of this earth.

"Narada, this is insane. How does Devraj expect two children who have just reached here just two days ago to do a mission like this? This is highly unthinkable. They're just children."

"Children of the Gods, Maharishi Vashistaa. They are children of Gods. Trideva. Why is that a difficult task to fulfil for them?" A soldier from Amaravati added. "This is just a small task. Devsenapati Kartikeya had to fight Tarakasura to receive his due."

Sona and I were just standing in the room. All the Rishis had gathered in the main temple. The temple of Tridev and Tridevi. That is the place where all the Rishis gather to discuss important matters. So, Devraj Indra had a mission for Sona and me. He had sent Narada muni and a soldier from Amaravati here to Gurukul so they may convey Devraj Indra's decision.

"There are so many more devansh here who are experienced with dangerous missions, Akhila. They would be more equipped to deal with the trouble. They are just 18 years old. Have some sense. They are just beginning to learn about our world now. You have to give a child some time to learn."

"Sri Rama was just 18 years old when he defeated Tadaka. Sri Krishna was 12 years old when he defeated Kamsa. Devi Kaumarika was just 14 years old when marched into battle against the sons of Bhandasura." The soldier countered. Again, people are trying to equate me to my father. Why can't they try to understand that I am not him. I'm not his Avatar.

"Akhila..." Devi Anasuya stood up. She seemed agitated. "Look at them." She told him. He looked at us. I circled around so he could properly look at me. Sona rolled her eyes at me. "Does Alaknanda look exactly 100% like Narayan? Or does Sonakshi look 100% like Devi Parvati? Think before you speak. Stop equating Sri Rama and Sri Krishna with Alaknanda. They are not one and the same. Narayan and his avatars are not one and the same as his child. Narayan and Alaknanda are not one and the same. Sonakshi and Parvati are not the same. Parvati and Durga are the same. Parvati and Mahamaya are same. Sonakshi and Parvati are not the same. So, I suggest you understand and try not to see them as their avatars. Would be better for all of us. They are teenagers. Stop thrusting your insecurities on them. Narayan and Devi are equipped with the ability to battle. They're both protectors. In every avatar, it is them. They have been fighting asura since the beginning of creation. They have been in this world of asuras since the asuras have been born. If you think that Narayan, Devi, Alaknanda, and Sonakshi are the same then I suggest you quit your job and join here in Gurukul because you are in need to learning."

"Insecurity? Devi Anasuya, have you forgotten what happens when we leave children of the Gods unattended or coddle them with so much affection and stop reigning them from the beginning? We all know how those battles ended. Mahadev himself had to battle them. Jalandhar. The panchakumar??"

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