22. Kedarnath

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Music for the Chapter: Mera Bhola Hai Bhandari by Hansraj Raghuwanshi

Music for the Chapter: Mera Bhola Hai Bhandari by Hansraj Raghuwanshi

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Adi and I looked at each other. This was sorcery.

"Hello... whoever opened this door. Can you help us find the Aghori baba who can take us to Patala? Sorry for being bothersome but we're in a hurry at the moment." Adi almost shouted.

Harsh hit her on the head.

"Dumbo, Mahadev opened them."

"Really? Mahadev opened the door? Wouldn't he be busy meditating?"

"Stupid, he just used magic to open them."

"Time is never a matter for Mahadev. The one who is Mahakala, what is Kala for him? He's beyond time. So, he doesn't see the time someone comes to see him. If they come to seek him, they will reach him. If they cannot, he himself comes down and meets them." Akshay answered.

Adi just shut up. I almost wanted to laugh at her.

We followed inside. I took off my bag and joined my hands before the Shivlinga. The temple's air was extremely pure. The story says that the Pandavas came here to do penance. Hence there were idols of Pandavas, Draupadi, Krishna, Nandi, and maa. 

The Shivlinga gave out such energy that we could feel it. Humans feel it as a regular aura of a temple. That is an example of the energy in the temple. Most humans cannot feel energies. Their Kundalini isn't awake enough to feel energies properly. Devansh, who Kundalini is awake, can feel energies in their full force. That allows them to recognize daityas, rakshasas, danavas, asuras, devas and devansha. The force of the energy coming out of the temple was unmistakable. 

I had come here several times before. Everytime I have come here, I have always felt the presence of Shiva in here. Since we had lived in this very region, we had gone to char dham. Gangotri, Yamunotri, Kedarnath and Badrinath. Still, every time I come here, I feel the same feeling I remember as a child. No matter what happens, he will always protect me. 

 Six of us recited our prayers.

nagendraharaya trilochanaya
bhasmangaragaya mahesvaraya
nityaya suddhaya digambaraya
tasmai na karaya namah shivaya

mandakini salila chandana charchitaya
nandisvara pramathanatha mahesvaraya
mandara pushpa bahupushpa supujitaya
tasmai ma karaya namah shivaya

shivaya gauri vadanabja brnda
suryaya dakshadhvara nashakaya
sri nilakanthaya Vrshadhvajaya
tasmai shi karaya namah shivaya

vashistha kumbhodbhava gautamarya
munindra devarchita shekharaya
chandrarka vaishvanara lochanaya
tasmai va karaya namah shivaya

yagna svarupaya jatadharaya
pinaka hastaya sanatanaya
divyaya devaya digambaraya
tasmai ya karaya namah shivaya

panchaksharamidam punyam yah pathechchiva
sannidhau shivalokamavapnoti sivena saha modate

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