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I called Chris and he didn't answer so I hang up and throw my phone out the window. I have more and I needed to get rid of that one. "I love you," I whispered. "And I promise that one day I'll be there. When the baby is safe... And I am. Son, I promise that they will never come near your blood. They could have mine instead."

The window breaks in five minutes and men come in. "You are captured! Ours now!" One says. Then they spray me with something.

I wake up and I see some figure. "Hello." The man says. "You are Caroline, right? Chris wanted me so badly when he was a child but never truly understands that he wasn't supposed to be created."

"Are you his... Father?"

"Yes, I am. And I will have you as my prisoner until I can drain your blood."

I laugh on the inside.

"She doesn't have all the percent!" One man that scanned me said. Chris's father grabbed me by the collar. "Did you have a child?"

"You'll never know."

"You had one."

"Maybe I gave my blood-"

"No, you can't. Your blood can be created for poison." He threw me.

"Hey, take pride in your son!"

"You will fucking be my prisoner for as long as you have to." Two guards took me and put me in a room. This was the last of me... I love you son. And I love you, Chris.
This time it will happen to me.

The Love In Her EyesWhere stories live. Discover now