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"Emily don't-" Chris says but I run anyways. The bridge breaks that were on and I dangle off it. Chris grabs my hand, his eyes look into mine. But he was more pitiful. I was slipping and if this keeps happening... He won't see his family. Runs through my mind.

"Sorry," I say as I let's go. 

Last I saw a tear run down on his face... It wasn't that his face was red this time.

"I love you!" We both yelled.


I got up, gasping for air. My right arm stung like a beehive. "She's up!" Mother expressed her world with excitement. 

"Should I get the doctor?" Chris asked.


A few minutes later the doctor came in. He touched my right arm where the stoning kept going on forever but it got worse. "You're hurting her!" Chris yelled.

"Young man, I am professional. It may hurt but as long as she can still have felt in her arm... It's a good sign that not much damage has hit her nerves."

"How long have I been out?"

"Four weeks." Mother said. 

"It caused you trama so, therefore you were in a sort of coma."

"You should be ready to go home in say two weeks."

Oh god, let the weeks pass by!

"But when your home... I want you on bed rest for a month just in case."

Trapped at home?

"Unless you wanna go home now for the month and do your excursuses there?"

"Yes!" Mother answered for me. "Please."

"Let me get the forms." The doctor left the room.

Oh please let me move... I'm 18 already now. A way for my birthday to run... Huh?

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