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We all sat at the dinner table, mother handed me cream for my arm. But father called. "Deer." Every second so we went to the table. Chris sat next to me. "You doing okay?" He asked. Well, I wasn't really. 

"Yeah." I lied.

"Okay." He seemed to believe me.

"So. Caroline." Mother began, chewing her food. "How have you met."


"Oh, that rusty old thing? Didn't think to find the romance of it."

"Especially since we met at a romantic place," Stepfather said.

"Yeah, a rodeo," I say plainly.

"You thought it was romantic and cool." Mother exclaimed.

"Then I faced life." 

"What has the city done to you?"

"You are no country girl!" Stepdad yelled. "I forbid you to go back to any city!"

"But-!" I stood up.

"No buts!"

"You aren't my fucking father!" I cover my mouth and run to my room. I slam my door and lean my back against it. "What has the city done to me?" I whisper and then jump on my bed by my stomach. 

"Emily?" I hear a knock. It was Chris. 


He opens my door and shuts it. "Are you okay?"

I sit up. "He wants a perfect daughter. And I am nowhere near to perfect."

"You are perfect for me." I rest my head on his shoulder.


"It's true."

"I have an idea."

"What's that?"

"Let's run together. I'm old enough to be on my own! I have money saved up... I can get an apartment..."



"... I'll move in with you."

"Why would you do that?"


I lift my head, I don't think he wanted that. "Is it because you don't think that I will be safe?"
"I don't necessarily think that.."

"You don't you?"

"Yeah." He lowers his head.

"Chris..." I stand up. "I can't have you..." He looked at me and his hands went on my sides as he brought me close to him. "What?" He held me atop of him.

"I am here for you to protect you and I don't want anything bad to happen to you."

"We're in this together?" He nods. "Then we can have the apartment together." He smiled and kissed my cheek.

The Love In Her EyesWhere stories live. Discover now