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"Caroline. Where the hell were you?" Chris yelled.

"Out," I reply as I walk past him.

"Out to where?" He stopped me.

"Chris, don't you get it? We're over! Now I want you to stay the fuck out o my business and leave me the hell alone!" I yell and grip a knife.

"Caroline be careful with that."

"Chris without me... Would the pain go away?"

"The pain of what?" He seemed scared as he stretched his arms out for me.

"Caroline please put that down." I lift the knife up. "I love you." I throw the knife so it hits the wall aside from him. 

"What do you know about love?"

"Enough to make sure you don't suffer."

"Well... We aren't together anymore."

"Who says that?"


"Caroline I don't and I can't let you go like that-"

"It's over Chris. I'll pack my things and leave-"

"You can't leave."

"Why not?"

"Because every moment I weaken without you... Every breath is for you... I love and care for you. I can't let what I want to go to waste."

"And you know what you want?"

"Yes." He came to give me a hug. "It's you that o want and you that I need."

The Love In Her EyesWhere stories live. Discover now