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I heard my name being called so I went up on stage. "Hey, buddies!" I said.

"Your father wanted us here for you..." Bryan says... The first guitar. "I mean we're not full-on country players but let's be damn close." 

I smile. "That a boy."
Some random security person handed me the mic.

After the singing was done I looked around... Cris was staring right at me. I wasn't sure what to do. I looked away and high-fived Bryan. "Killed it." He said. "Home wasn't good enough? Had to come here?" He joked.

"Just lemme fix something."


We walked off the stage as the crowd cheered. "Bryan... Remember the thing we had before?"


"I want to remind you-"

"I know."

"Good! Now let's kick some more ass! Country folks coming in!" I swung my arm around him and he laughed.

Bryan and I went to the bar thing for a few and then we went out in a huge space away from the carnival. "Caroline?"


"Do you miss home?"

"I would love to go back. My father said he'd kill a man this morning."

"In front of you?"

"He was talking to someone on the phone."

"That's terrible."

"Says that he needs protection?"

"From what?"

"I don't know." Just then someone went behind Bryan and converted his mouth and someone else went behind me and did the same. But the person behind Bryan kicked the back of his knees so that he'd kneel.

Some man came out. "You Caroline?" He asked me.

"No. She's not." Bryan said.

"I didn't ask you, country boy." He came closer to me. "I asked her.

"What do you want?"

"To know if your Caroline."

"And whys that?"

"There's something about her father... Do you see? And I want revenge. I don't wanna kill her... She's mighty pretty. I wanna take her and kill her father."

"Nope, not Caroline."

"Cmon! I have pictures." He held a picture of me when I was back home. "So you're saying that this isn't you?"

"Where did you get those?"

"At your home."



"What the hell do you want now?"

"Come with me or I shoot this boy." He held a gun against Bryan.

"Please don't shoot!"

"Well come with me!"

"What do you have with my father that makes you wanna kill him?"

"He killed my family. Then he took me in as a foster parent and he had me addicted to drugs and shit. All he ever talked about was you. But he was a drunk so...the hell? He couldn't have you. Then I finally got away from him. My little sister? She didn't do anything wrong and neither did my mother or father!"

"I'm sorry to hear but are you sure it was my father?"



"Take her." He talked to his men and my mouth was covered along with my eyes. I am not sure what happened to Bryan.

The Love In Her EyesWhere stories live. Discover now