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Father and I decided to go to this carnival on the outskirts of the rundown town that father lives in. He parked and unbuckled his seat. "Let's go and have some fun." 

"Joy," I said. "That should be fun." 

"Oh c'mon! Stop being negative nancy."

"First of all," I said as we walked. "You know I hate that term." He laughs. "Second of all... Fun isn't here."

"Oh yeah, you are a country girl... Forgot you don't know fun. I suppose."

"I do too!"

"Then let's go... Meet some friends-"

"What so I can have them be friends for a month? No thanks." I walk away. I think he decided to keep his distance... Good.

I look at the band playing under the tent... People screaming and laughing, smiling, kissing, having fun. And then there I was... Not enjoying anything. So I tried to hurry up out o under the tent... Also because it was crowded. Then I bumped into someone, making the person drop their bag. "Sorry." I said. He looked mean and he zipped his bag and ran off, looking back at me. He had black hair and green eyes. Very muscular. I noticed he dropped something... I pick it up and it was an ID. Mas Weston. I read. A picture exactly looking like him... But a little cleaner. So I walk around with this ID and finally went up to the little bar thing and asked the bartender person.

"Do you know who this belongs to?" She turned around, her red curly hair waved as she turned to face the card.

She gasped. "Where did you get that?"

"He bumped... I bumped into him and he dropped his bag."

"Give me that!" She snatched it out of my hands. "You weren't supposed to see that.."


"Don't ask questions."


"... You need to get out of here. Did he see you?" 

"I think so."

She comes close and whispers. "Then you have to leave... Now."


"No questions! He's my... Brother and he's a bad person."

"Well, my first impression of being out of the country."

"Welcome to the city."

"No kidding."

"If you stay longer... You have a death wish."

I text dad saying meet me by the car but he texted back saying that he's been in there for 20 minutes. So I ran there.

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