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Father waited for me as I got off the plane. He held a sign that said; "Caroline welcome." It was rather annoying that he still had that sign. Every time I came he held the exact same sign. He probably even slept with it in his arms.

"Caroline!" He hugged me. He smelt like sweat, oil, and cigarettes. Typical father. Imma miss being home... Because it smells like flowers on the inside but outside... Obviously horse poo. 

"Let's go home!"

"Well, technically that's not my home..."

When we got in the car he put on his worn-down sunglasses. "Let's go."

"Okay." I sat in the front seat. 

"How's your stepfather?"

"He's good... Um, his business is getting bigger."

"Not no rundown?"


"I remember you guys started off on a small farm."

"Well that was when I was ten. But when I was twelve he got richer."


"Do you do drugs?" Popped out of my mouth."

"Caroline." He scolded. 

"Sorry just curious."

"Not anymore... I fix cars."

"That's why you smelt like oil."

"I'm sorry I stink... Just got off work." 

"No need, understand. I probably smell like horses."

"Not really... You smelt like roses."


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