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I met with Bryan and the others. "Aren't you suppose to heal?"

"Aren't we supposed to focus on our mission?"


"Is this the bridge?"

"Yeah." I jump out of the car and hop on one of the stopped cars in front of us. I run from car to car to get to Wes.

"Wes!" I yell. "You can't do this!"

"Oh yes, I can." He clicks a button and throws it in the water. The part where I was standing on top of a car started to collapse. 

"Caroline!" Bryan yells and reaches for my hand. 

"We have to save them."

"Save yourself." He tugs my arm.

"Let's go-" he kisses me. I push him.

"It's strictly business." I jump away from the part that was collapsing. "Wes!" I yell as I jump off one of the cars and finally to the ground. He turns around and presses another button and throws it in the water. I watch the whole bridge in front of me collapse. I charge at Wes but he blocks me. I lay across the railing to the edge of the bridge. He comes and holds me there.
"Any final words?" He asks.

"Yes. Goodbye." A gun smashes over his head and as Wes laid to the ground he was shot. "Chris!" I've never been so happy to see him. I run and give him a hug. 

"I never got to say I'm sorry."

"That doesn't matter right now."

"I never got to say many things-" I hush him with a kiss. His hands grab my face and this moment felt so right but so wrong because of the bridge. Once we stopped I looked at the collapsed bridge in front of us. "Caroline... What now?"

"I've gotta save them."

"Save who?"

"The people... I have to." I broke free of Chris's arms which were around me after the kiss. I started running to the edge.

"Caroline no!" Chris yelled and started after me. I stop on three yards from the edge to help an at least five year old get up. 

"My mom!" The little boy cried. 

At the edge of the bridge, I saw her dangling. I ran so fast over there and the bridge slanted. I took her hand and threw her above.

"Caroline!" Chris yelled. He grabbed my hand as I dangled from the edge. "Cmon we can get you up!"



"I can't get up."


"My wound." Owch. "It stinging."

"Don't let go. Please."

"I have to tell you something."

"Don't say that like this is the last time!" He yelled.

"I love you and I never stopped. Ever since I met you there's something to you... Something more than selling and doing drugs. I saw..." I started to slip.


"I love you."

"I love you too." A tear rolled down his face and I let go. "No!" There was no hope with my wound and everything... There was nothing there. Besides death. And that's all that would ever be in my life. Chris, never forget my last words to you. Because I really do love you but I made the sacrifice to make your life better.

The Love In Her EyesWhere stories live. Discover now