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I woke up and Chris was gone... Like not in the room. I put a robe over my pajamas and walk out to the deck of the boat. "Caroline," Chris says and I head in his direction. "How'd ya sleep?"
"This may sound crazy but... You calmed me down."

"That is strange but you calmed me down also..."


"I had a dream... I cared a lot more than what I do now about you-"

"Wait. Wait." I waved my arms. "You care about me?"

"Yeah, why would I do all this? I'm risking my life."

I had to think of something to say... To make him mad. "Well your life was already at-"

"Risk? I know." Damn didn't work. "Anyways you were running and a bridge broke-"

"You took my hand but I decided not both of us? That happened in my dream."

"Oh, why were you crying?"

"As I said." I gritted through my teeth. "I think I'm starting to fall for you." I could see he probably didn't know what to say... "But I don't think it matters." I started to walk away but he grabbed my hand. 

"Caroline... It matters"

"Why would it?"

He swung me around so his arms were around me, couldn't break free. "Because I think I am too." I rest my head on his chest... and I can sense he may be smiling? Not sure though.
It felt amazing.

The Love In Her EyesWhere stories live. Discover now