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I was running and it felt like forever. I then fell and landed in water. My breath started to fade as my eyes closed. I couldn't breathe... My heart pounded... Then something grasped around me and brought me to shore. "Caroline." The voice called. Then something touched my lips and when it went away I gasped for air.


I wake up screaming and Chris comes in. "You okay?" He pants.

"I had a dream... And..."

He comes to sit by me. "I had a dream too-"

"It wasn't an ordinary dream!"

"Same with mine."

"It felt real-"

"Same here!"

"You were in it." He looked at me with his jaw dropped. "What?"

"Was it of you drowning? I dived in the water to get you and... I kissed you?"

"Then I could breathe again." Is this a coincidence? I ask myself.

He just stared at me.


All of a sudden a flash of lighting and he started kissing me. It felt so good... It felt so right. But it needed to stop... I just didn't want to stop it. "I'm sorry." He says as he pulls away. 

"I don't think we should think-"

"I just... I don't know."

"Same here. I'm caught up in all this shit... I can't get too close to you."

"Friends?" He didn't seem to like the word.

"The Kings would kill us if we were even that."

"Why would they kill us?"

"Because the leader told me something..."


"If he can't have me... No one can..." I look down to the bedsheets."

"But I think I have some feeling for you..."

"Get to bed, your talking silly."

"No, I'm not."

"I don't know you very much."

"You wouldn't want to."


"You'd think I'm just a druggie and a drug dealer."

"Are you?"

"Something like that."

I put my hands on his face. "I can help you..."

"No, it's fine."

"No, it's not!"

He pushes my hands away. "Go to bed, we will go to the boat in the morning."

The Love In Her EyesWhere stories live. Discover now