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I woke up while Chris was asleep and ran down the stairs. "Ma!" I called silently.
"What dear? I'm sorry about your stepdad last night..."

"It's fine. I made up my mind. Since I'm eighteen I'm... I want to move..."


"I'm sorry... It's time."

"It's fine... This day has to come." She moved some pans.

"I don't want you to be upset-"

"Caroline, of course, I will be." I look down. "But you have become a good person." If only she knew what truly happened...

"For now. I'm gonna go with Chris..."



"Sorry to interrupt," Chris says. "But Caroline and I have to go."

"Go?" Mom asks. "Now?"

I nodded.

"Goodbye... Dear."

"Goodbye, mother."

The Love In Her EyesWhere stories live. Discover now