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Today is the day that I had to go to the training. I woke up super early before Chris could and made sure I was quiet, so a floor panel didn't squeak kind of thing.

"Hello, Caroline." A lady called to me. Two guards ha guided me in the building.

"My training?"

"Yes, but I don't think you need it."

"I don't know everything in fighting."

"There's a guy we need you to hunt down... His name is Wes."

"That's impossible... He's helped me and-"

"Well, he shot you."


"Here's footage..." Sure enough... The bastard shot me. I clenched my fists. "You are to destroy his gang." But... Well, Chris isn't technically in it.

"Now go home and get ready."

Once at home, Chris hugged me. "Where have you been?"

"I went for a walk."

"For three hours?"


"Everything okay? Is that even the truth?"

"Yeah..." I lied, obviously.

"Caroline. I have something to tell you."

"What's that?"

"I've kinda..."


"Wanted you to meet my family."


"Is that okay?"

"Yeah... I'm just busy."


"A week... Or longer... My new job."

"What's your job?"



"Mhm." I nod my head. 

"You ain't no country girl anymore."

"Nope." I laugh. But he didn't. "Hey..." My left hand stroked his cheek. "Thing change."

"Will we change?"

"What would change?"

"The feelings we have for each other- that you won't be with Bryan or even Wes-"

"Wes?" I tell. "Why even fucking bring him up?" I'm out of control.

"Caroline calm down!"

"Fuck that!" I run to my room and slam the door. 

"Caroline?" He knocked on the door. "You there?"

"Go away."

Later that night we were in the kitchen with Bryan. "Everything okay from earlier?" Chris asks.

"Yeah," I reply.

"You sure?" 

"Sure... Can we not talk of this?"

"I wanna talk about us..."

"I can't do that."


"Bryan is here."

"I can leave," Bryan says.

"You're fine Bryan," I say.

"Like fine as in his looks?" Chris yells.

"Chris!" I scold.

"Do you two have a thing?" I look away from the table at the counter. 

"Are you doing drugs again?"

He was silent.

"Chris you need help."

Chris stands up. "I don't need help!" He screams. 

"Chris you can't do drugs!"

"What are you?"

"Your fucking girlfriend!"

"I might have to go.." Bryan said.

"No," I say. "I might need your help." I turn back to Chris. "You choose me or those buddies of yours who deal drugs and do them!" I yell.

"I don't need this."

"What me?" He didn't answer. "Then you don't need me." I walked away and he tried grabbing my hand but I pulled it away. Once in my room, I slammed my door. My back was against the door and I slid down it, covering my mouth while the tears slid down my face. that when I realized... Did we just break up?

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