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Chris and I decided to stay at fathers hideout apartment, we bought more furniture and clothes. Even weapons... A lot of them. We even painted walls... We were set. I even bought a new phone... My other one was destroyed because it had a tracking device on it. 

I was folding some clothes and putting them in the new dresser. "So how's your room?" Chris was in the doorway. "How's it doing?"

He folded his arms. "It's good... But I don't see why we can't share one-"

"There are two rooms." I turned to face him and held out two fingers. 

"I don't see why..." He laughed. "Okay, I'll stop." He walked out of the room and then my phone buzzed.


"Is this Caroline?"

"Who is this?"

"Caroline was a secret agency and wanted to know if you would like to be a spy."

"Depends on who I can tell."

"You cannot tell anyone unless you are married... Maybe even not that. Don't even tell Chris."
I choked. "What?"

"This is strict business."

"Why chose me?"

"We've set rounds and that is a strict business, we'd like you to join our agency."


"Good, we will pick you up tomorrow for training to start. You have the skills and may pick them up quickly. Thank you for your time."

The phone call ended and I was thrilled. A spy? This is too good! Maybe it is too good to be true...

 How will I get rid of Chris? He always follows me.

"Caroline!" Chris called and I jumped. "You ready to meet Wes up?" I nodded.

The Love In Her EyesWhere stories live. Discover now