Chapter 1: My Medication

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On a usual and illuminous day the sound of birds greeted the strength of the mighty wind. With only a few people on the streets, a number of cars passed by in a mysterious way. The sun and the clouds played along fairly, balancing the weather and the mood of the people.

In Aldera Junior High, kids came out of the entrance as it was already lunch time. From the outside, there was enough space for numerous people to share and enough for conversations to be spread. It looked like a playground without slides, one that could be criticized as the loneliest despite the company or the calmest despite the voices.

Some kids from the same classroom sat together on a bench, eating their lunches and happily talking face-to-face. Some others took this time to walk around and admire the trees that they see each day, never getting tired of the birds that stood in their nests. Some others sat on the concrete-like floor contently with their lunchboxes, and some others sat on the grass.

Most people were together, and some others alone but satisfied either way. The gates were shut but the kids were able to visualize the street and the cars from outside. One that excluded these stereotypes sat on a bench with their legs on the seat, writing on a notebook that was named 'Hero Analysis for my Future'. They were alone and calm. They mumbled to themselves, and wrote in an articulated way data of Kamui Woods.

"Kamui Woods, the No. 7 Pro Hero known for his outstanding Arbor quirk. After becoming the No. 7 Pro Hero he has made changes to his hero costume by adding wooden rings on his shoulders. Though, it is still a small change. He is very muscular and his fighting style is usually a medium-range support. Despite his quirk being a tree log, known for being a breakable material, as a quirk it can be seen that it is very strong for both defense and offense. However, I doubt that if it breaks it can also harm his body physically. I also wonder how long he can spread his logs..."

Deku endlessly mumbled to himself, getting intrigued as a result of his own comments. After writing a bit, each pause he took was for him to take a piece of his sandwich that sat on his side. Each time it obviously became colder, but that didn't bother Deku as he didn't really notice.

"You two are really just two damn fucking extras. It's not my fault you forgot to bring your food, bastards. As if I'd lend you mine!" The blonde-haired boy spat as he exited the building with two of his classmates. He remained his hands in his pockets, mindlessly looking for place to seat with his penetrable eyes.

"Ah!" Deku yelped but quickly shutted his mouth with his palms, letting his notebook land on the ground. He turned to his right and saw Bakugo walk to his direction. He desperately searched in his yellow backpack's pocket and grabbed a bottle of pills. Then, he rapidly stood up almost tripping on air and left his belongings behind.

As Deku ran to the nearest bathroom behind the school, he was sweating and breathing heavily, along with his face slowly turning warm. His eyes were struggling to see clearly and his mouth barely covered his face which was a mess.

With those people that he had to meet as he ran to the bathroom, he avoided eye contact. Deku opened the door to the male's restroom inside and closed it. He slided his back on the door until he sat on the cold floor. As he took out two pills from the bottle, he became impatient. Finally, he took two and proceeded to swallow them abruptly, making him choke concerningly for a few seconds.

Deku neared his knees to his face and remained in the bathroom as he began to tear up. He had recently received serotorin and anti-depressant pills from a doctor's prescription, shocking not only him but his mother. It had been that Deku developed, apart from strong feelings of admiration and tenderness, intimate feelings concerning to one person. It was concerned on that person considering the fact that they were the reason for his illness.

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