Chapter 40: His Pursuit

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Casually walking down the streets of Musutafu, I regained that comfort of home. Even though my apartment was burnt to ashes, it will forever contain the embodiment of peace and once truthfully a safe place.

When I passed the last turn, I finally found my destination in which I was surprised to discover.

Many people were gathered up outside. It was bizarre to see many citizens, in such swarm of a crowd, raising posters with whatever message to the entrance of the prison. They shouted varied and similar words of protest, words that caught my attention as I neared. I realized it was an honestly disturbing reason for their revolt. These young women with few men and angry faces protested for Bakugo Katsuki. They protested for Kacchan to be set free. The news of his awakening probably bursted through social media, but I never expected adherents even in his death bed. The man on the phone told me that once they gain significant information from him, they will sentence him to death.

I did not know how to feel after realizing he was awake for five years, but I swallowed and agreed to that deal.

As I got closer I try to carefully not get hurt by these people's impulsive actions. It was a mixture of protest in support of Kacchan and others against him. They shouted for the blond's freedom to roam around the streets, claiming that his attractiveness was a reason to name him unguilty. The others went against their sayings with violence, screaming for the monster to be sentenced to death without gradual methods. A combination of both arguments formed, almost impossible to act upon.

When I showed up in front of the doors, they quickly led me in before a citizen jostled their way. The officers guided me to the second floor, outside the room in which Kacchan laid with life.

Before that, however, they told me to wait outside meanwhile another officer explained to me the plan in detail. The prison was a very chaotic and loud place to talk and discuss important matter; so they proposed to assign Kacchan and I to a nearby cafe. He would still have his handcuffs and quirk disabled, yet I was remarkably confused why they took low levels of safety in the external place.

I sat on a chair near the wall. My life flashed before my eyes as I recollected every experience I had. I felt nervous. How would Kacchan look like after five years? How would his voice sound? How much would he have grown? It was a moment of bewilderment at my odd curiosity, in which I forced myself to be ashamed of. It was then I carelessly forgot to inform Mei of my whereabouts. I forgot to tell her I was meeting up with him for federal purposes, but knew this coincidence would leave her hanging.

Standing up, I aparted away from the main section, having a tight grip onto my phone. The phone rang and I answered in nervousness, gathering the format of which I should leave her knowledgable. She asked what was up, and I explained everything. Her pause seemed to speak for itself, but her trust was more tender. She assured it was fine as long as I kept myself distanced from opening any wounds. I understood by what she meant, and I gratefully thanked her consideration.

The officer left the room and shut the door slowly. He ordered me to come for important reminders.

"He is not talking. I said you were here, and he just seemed to disconnect," he said with low definition. I was told to go outside since I was going to be driven to the said place for doubtful interrogation. Kacchan was assumably in another vechile, and the thought that we were going to reunite after sixty months felt so surreal. My thoughts of overthinking did not last for too long until we reached the building. It seemed to be arranged accordingly before they even called me, because the place struck with such solitude not even a soul stood by the sidewalk.

I was the first to get off the vechile, with immense tension arising within my heart. I felt the loss of recognition from this world. Shall I felt this anxious was a mystery. I did not know what made my heart race rapidly, since I forever forced myself to think that I was strong. Truth was that I still had the weak spots and vulnerable areas in which this trauma could not be altered.

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