Chapter 43: His Fleeing

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I did not know whether to feel grateful or disappointed.

"What the fuck? How did they know we were here?" Kacchan complained in utter anger, removing his body's weight on me as my gloved hands descended from his shoulders. He stood up towards Dabi as I quickly sat up, zipping back my uniform and wiping away the saliva from my chin. My confidence levels rose at the claim that heroes were here. I knew it were my friends because of my disappearance, and felt safe at the mere realization.

"Don't know. Maybe they had a spy or something, but we have to hurry, Bakugo. Put on your shirt and bring him with us." Dabi said rapidly, digging his hand in his pockets and handing Kacchan a cloth. He then went ahead and exited from the door frame and jogged to the opposite direction. Kacchan was struck by the inability to accept another escape. By wearing his shirt, he turned to me in an instant, noticing how I already stood; and harshly grabbed my arm, wandering his palms around my body. I observed questionably, with my legs regaining some small sense of stationary position.

"You don't have a tracker on you, do you?" I could distinguish his irritated, rough voice. He bended to even check my thighs, although nothing was found. I did not have any type of that device inserted in me, except my stolen phone, but I also was wondering who managed to find us if this place was meant to be secretive. Kacchan then raised and pressed my arm onto the nearest wall, forcing me to relinquish a defense. Clenching onto the silk material that he wielded, he poured down a liquid with his other hand. Holding my neck now, he turned to cover it around my mouth, but I refused.

Quickly, I gripped his wrist and kicked his stomach aback. Kacchan stumbled and hit his body against a rack's pole, balancing as I immediately pushed him down. He swiped his leg underneath mine and caused me slip. The sudden adrenaline rushing through me encouraged the side effects of the drug to be a mere contestant. It only made me dizzy by making my world move in an odd rotation, but I felt my muscles strengthen at my composed will.

Dropped underneath his stance, Kacchan wrapped the handkerchief tight to my jaw, and I smelled the overwhelming scent of alcohol. I assumed this drenched towel was to put me to sleep again, so I had to act prudently. I used Full Cowling to remove it from my face and threw it far where I could not distinguish, with Kacchan pinning me down as he gradually activated his quirk. The hot temperature burned my wrists, but it did not last long until I punched him off me. Standing up, he launched an explosion to my direction, in which I dodged by accidently smacking my head against the wall.

Kacchan pulled my hair up, me groaning in struggle as I pointed my gloves to him. As I was about to release my Air Force ultimate move, another headache knocked me at back of my head so painfully. Placing my back onto the smooth surface of the rack, he grabbed the handkerchief and aligned it to my mouth. I restrained it from him, however, breathing so heavily from this unexpected fight.

"This is what you meant?" I panted, looking directly at his face. "When you said you love me?" My frown proceeded to speak on its own, glaring at him for his stupid excuses. But Kacchan was surprised to realize the truth of his own words, piercing through that similar resolution of his malignance.

"No, that's fucking because-" he attempted to clarify, but I caught him off guard by lunging my leg against his hips and ripping the cloth from his hands. Leaping to the front of the door, I used Black Whip from both hands and pulled the firsts standing frames to the floor, instigating a wreckage of a mess in the room. Kacchan blew the rubble off him before it all crashed upon his sides. Without me following his lead, he tossed an explosion to the door's entrance in which I dodged. Dabi, from the other side, came running towards the room after a series of blasting sounds.

Noticing I was free and bound to attack me, he ignited with sagacious techniques, blocking most of our view with deadly blue, roaring flames; as he launched to Kacchan to pull him outside. Immediately, Dabi locked the door with a twist, trapping Deku in that interior.

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