Chapter 10: His Hipocrisy

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Saturday came by and Deku's finals of his first semester were nearing. All this time it was the end of November, but now December was approaching. The cold weather was a reminder for him and his mother to arrange their clothes and purchase warm jackets. Despite the freezing temperatures, Deku only wore two layers of clothing, a shirt and a jacket, along with long pants. He valued his comfort rather than his state. Two days ago was the intrusion of Bakugo. He had stolen Deku's pills in the end and unblocked himself on his phone. He then threatened him if he were ever to do it again, the same things would occur. Luckily, Deku hid a few pills that stood under the couch.

The next day Deku normally went to school. Many people shoved their shoulders against his in a rude attitude and that pigtailed girl continued to visit him. Also, hadn't seen Kacchan at all. Something new that had occurred, however, was that the principal had informed Deku's mother about their relationship. First of all, she was comprehensive in the start, considering how she thought it decently related to his disorder. But then, as she was informed more thoroughly about the situations that happened barely two weeks ago, her colors drained. She had become shocked and purely depressed for her own son.

Thinking everything he had gone through and the fact that he stayed silent. Thinking that her son wasn't who she visualized just seconds before she was told. That he hid it, was all that she worried about. That day after school, Deku's appointment was canceled and instead his mother picked him up in her car. Some kids, who remained outside, snorted as the green-haired entered the vehicle. Deku tried to ignore it, but remained confused as to why his mother was there. It was something important, he knew. She wouldn't have taken her day off as well if it were for something trivial.

Once home, his mother told him that they needed to talk. Deku trembled even more. It was something unusual for his mother to say. He never got scolded or never had a serious talk. He had his ears opened, prepared to what she had to say. They sat in the dinning room table and she began. She mentioned what she had been told. There was plenty, but fortunately, what nobody knew was what exactly they did; what were the extensions. Inko mentioned the photos, his sexuality, their intimated relationships, the frequency, and the fact that everyone knew.

Ashamed of his own life, Deku kept his stare below, looking at his thighs and tearing up as well. He felt disgusting. His mother found out, and despite not knowing everything, he felt like he was declared as a criminal. Along with that, his mother said that the principal would expel him if it resumed, at least in the school. Not knowing what to side with, she voiced her honest thoughts.

"I want you to be happy, but I know that this happiness is forced by your condition. Don't be fooled, Izuku. Follow what you really want. Right now, all I have to say is that is too much for me to give's too much...I didn't expect this..."

Sobbing, with the back of her hands she cleared her tears, setting a sad whimpered-mouth. Deku felt and looked the same, embarrased as a student and ashamed as a son. What else could he feel as a civilian? Bakugo had washed his mind, but it's not like Deku disagreed to it. That's what he hated. Everything was because of him, his stupid disorder; something so useless.

Although, no matter how much he was used by Bakugo, how much he was taunted, how he felt even worthless, he felt grateful from the fact that he got closer to Kacchan and unfortunately, plans on doing so further.

Everything has its advantages and disadvantages. On this terrible case, only Deku could find the good in it. Maybe it was his disorder, but in his normal state, he only sensed happiness when thinking of Kacchan. Then, once turning into the desperate version, his mentality remains, but his body is unable to react adequately. His mind spins around, his nervous system unbalances, and is completely uncapable of controlling himself.

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