Chapter 18: His Unawareness

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"Where were you two?" She glared a malicious dagger at the blond and at the greenette, crossing her arms. She held a furious frown. It was late at night, around past ten. Mitsuki turned as she was attempting to call on her phone. Previously, she was waiting, facing her back to the wooden door of the living room. Once she heard a vechile fade away from her ears' distance, not even realizing that they pulled in front of her house, she turned her back. Katsuki and Izuku stood in the door mat, him being defeated by heavy eyes and the other by guilt.

"I said we went out," a rough voice was almost mumbled. His obvious tiredness was not appealing enough to be hidden. His words were not as satisfying since Katsuki usually did not dispose his time so carelessly. As for Izuku, he was scared of the consequences and was so agitated that he could not look up. He wrapped his hands together, shamefully gazing at the floor, sweating. The mother expected them to be comprehensive.

"Izuku was with you, and you think I'll believe that you spent seven hours outside 'going out?'" She neared to his son, raising her tone. "Where else did you go?" Izuku feared that someday she would act this way towards him. Even if she was already doing so, he gets nervous when thinking of her one day scolding him directly for something he intentionally did. Mitsuki mantained her arms crossed, still holding the phone, and waited for Katsuki's explanation.

"We ate." His consciousness disappeared into another state. He did not bother to give details, and instead, shove the simplest answer to her face. Since the blond alarmed the mother of his lack of utility, she pushed his back frontward so she could turn to Izuku. Bakugo stumbled and walked to the stairs. The house's lights were missed, the only light prevailing coming from the kitchen.

"Izuku, please be honest with me. Where did you and Katsuki go?"

What a terrible situation he has gotten himself into. Lie or tell the truth? He could say the truth and therefore never repeat the same obnoxious trip. But as a result, Kacchan would be disappointed and downright angry at him, increasing the chances of frequent threats. On the other hand, he could lie, but it would feel incredibly wrong. Nothing will change, nothing would be learned, and each mistake will be pursued. Mitsuki did not deserved to be treated stupidly, but he did not have the courage to snitch on his back.

Deku teared up and struggled to speak. He raised his head in order to face her, clenching his fists. He was trying to be blank, though his resistance broke down before use.

"W-we..." He looked down again, gaining his breath. Mitsuki bended her back to listen to him respectfully, ready for his sayings. Her look dissolved to a worried expression, however, it did not erase her temper completely. "We went to a town that I was not familiar with. I don't know the name," he started proclaiming.

"Kacchan was with his friends, we were together, and went to an arcade." He never mentioned the store. After all, there was nothing that would lead to that fact, except for the blond's possessions; but they will not expect Mitsuki to find it anyway.

"T-then, after that, we ate somewhere," he stopped. That was it. That was it? From the arcade to eating took seven hours? Deku thought of mixing truth with lies. He could mention every single event that occurred, but exclude the concerning ones. Even if he had the upper hand, if Mitsuki asked Kacchan, he doubted if he would answer the exact thing.

The mother sighed with sadness, getting off of her hold of her own thighs, standing staright again. She thought Izuku would be reliable, but she knew he was hiding things from him. Did she have to blame him, though? Katsuki was slightly manipulative, and if she weren't his mother, she'd say he gives the most dangerous vibes. The only thing she could do is force them to come home before four.

"I see. If you can't tell me, you can go take a shower and sleep." She soon parted to the stairs, still talking meanwhile. "Katsuki is taking a shower, you can join him if he wants-" Her lines were cut off by herself. She abruptly stopped and realized. "On second thoughts, you can go to sleep already."

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