Chapter 8: Our Belligerency

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Being pinned on the ground, and loosing his patterns of breathing appropriately, Deku felt his arms weaken by Bakugo's brusque grip. His heavy knees easily detained his legs from even moving the slightest. Deku couldn't do anything rather wobble from his position. One of his wrists were held up strictly while his other arm wasn't pressed against the floor. Bakugo had a black shirt, baggy trousers, and a black jacket without the hood on. He made sure to solidly keep him unstable.

"Where are your pills?" He whispered deeply among the sounds of monoutous crickets and vehicles passing from a mile away.

"I-...Why are you doing this?!" Troubled with fear, Deku mindlessly doubted. "It's so late and it's night already! Did you leave your house just to look after me?!" His breathing skipped. Bakugo rapidly released the hold on his arm and instead grabbed the back of his head. Then, he roughly pushed it down onto the floor, hitting his forehead. Deku wailed in response and quickly clenched his eyes. His brain collapsed from the impact.

"I said: where are your pills? Deku. It doesn't matter what I did" Bakugo mentioned again without pity and approached his own voice near his ear. Deku gulped and sweat began to form. Should he say it or not? He had wasted his comfort on stressing because he had lost them. It would be a waste if those mistakes were carelessly repeated.

"I-I won't tell you! Now let me go!" Deku tried to kick with his shoes and rock his back. Each were a failure. Bakugo only tightened his hold on his wrist and on his arm. He then balanced the temperature of his explosions to burn where he was touching Deku as the heat evolved.

"Aah! Ah! Kacchan, stop! It's burning me!" Deku cried out with his tearing-up face. Despite him being held down, he tried to again shake him off from his buttocks. Deku stopped once he felt his crotch and blushed out of embarrassment. The blond-haired groaned and look at the side, where his yellow backpack was. He slowly turned off the heat produced from his hands.

"Hey, it's there, isn't it?" Deku turned his pressured head up to face Kacchan, and saw him facing at his right side. He noticed his backpack and felt his eyelids impulsively shake. "N-no..." The green-haired answered back. Bakugo scoffed and pulled up Deku's whole body by seizing his hair. And as he did before, he harshly pushed him down on the ground.

"Agh!" Deku yelped. "O-okay, it is there! Get off of me now!" With what was left of his strength, he fought. Bakugo took a look again and decided to toss his arm on the floor while he stood up. Deku's body felt at ease as the weight that was unnecessarily on top of him was reduced. However, he layed there unable to move.

"Look for them" Bakugo commanded while his stare was locked on his movements. Leaning up, Deku got on his fours. He shivered while he crawled to the backpack. Then he inclined his body and brought it closer. Afterwards, feeling a gaze at him, he unnoticeably flipped the backpack to cover his hands. He was opening the pocket in which he stored his phone. As he pretended to be looking around the backpack, with his other hand he pressed onto the power button.

"What are you doing?" Skeptical, Bakugo's crossed arms were released and called for his attention. Deku jumped from his voice. When no response was given, Bakugo stepped towards him to inspect the backpack. Deku panicked and dragged his body behind while keeping his hold on the handle. After this, the blond-haired's infuriated face returned. He roughly charged at Deku when he barely was capable of running away, embracing his arms around to confine. He kneeled and pin him down again.

"Geez! You always have to make things harder, piece of shit!"

"Aaah! You're putting too much weight on me, Kacchan! Just leave me alone!"

Ring Ring

Bakugo softened his firm hold and turned his head behind. Deku did the same, but he only highered his head. His phone was ringing. And his mother was calling him. Luck was by his side. He planned on calling his mother so he could answer. This way, Kacchan wouldn't bother him because if anything bad happened to him, his mother could witness it and report it. So basically, he could simply walk away with the call going on.

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