Chapter 25: My Endless Cries

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Leave it be the endless cries coming from the greenette. Weak and miserable. Bakugo had been too rough with him by kicking his stomach for a reply, but the other was struck by emotional pain. In this parking lot, no one will be ever to hear his breakdown.

"We've known each other forever and went through this shit together, did you thought I'll just listen to you and let you go? How will you survive?" The blond raised his tone with wrath, staring down at Deku's weakling. "I fucking destroyed my reputation, sacrificed my efforts, and paid my involvement in the law system." Pulling his collar to him, the greenette kneel without resisting. "You ruined my life, now's time for me to ruin yours."

Too exhausted and full of himself to start off by looking at him, Deku squinted his eyes in which carried a big river of teardrops. A messed up face that was dirtied by the ground, tainted with bright yet dried red liquid. His whimperings were cut as he did not find anything to say back. Everything was a mistake. His mind focused on what was around him, believing the alterings were caused by his will and that it is all his own fault.

"Say something!" He dropped him.

"I'm sorry! I won't ever think of leaving you!" It was a lie, but at the moment he had to bare with it. It was dangerous and the one capable of ending his life was in front of him, standing with gripped fingers and igniting sparks. The greenette laid his head on the floor as an apology, hands on his back as they were glued to the metal pole. "I deserve this! I deserve all of this!"

Bakugo smirked in triumph, backing away slowly. "That's good. Now you stay there while I go out, I'm going to my house." His walking pace began, but was instantly shutted by Deku who, despite his lack of communication, was reminded of something that made him midly desperate.

"W-wait!" He yelled. "Before you go, I forgot to tell you that, since the villains helped me break you out of prison, I'll need to pay them back!" The blond stopped, turning in confusion. "They said... I either need to kill All Might, or you join the League of Villains." Even if Bakugo has an unlikeable background, he has a strong quirk, one that could be used effectively as a weapon. Shigaraki was interested in the kid, but detested his attitude and persona, though he thought he would be able to fix him if he joined them.

Bakugo was perplexed. He just escaped from that obnoxious place, and already had something weight him that he considered majorly significant. Villains. They showed no danger to someone like him, but they could be a bother to the point of harming them during their daily activities. He gritted his teeth as he veered the problem to Deku's responsibility, irritated.

"You'd be stupid enough to think I'll kill All Might, let alone joining those lowlifes!" Then, he resumed his departure but didn't think Deku would continue as well. He attempted to approach Kacchan as he forgot he was tied, stretching the fabric and burning his wrists.

"No... it's not that simple... If I don't give them an answer soon, they'll look for us and kill us!" Bakugo blew a flame at the side of Deku, earning a frightened shriek. "Are you underestimating me? Do you think I'll be takened down by some shitty villains?" The blond lowered his head. "Fucking shut up and let me do what I need to do. We'll get Old Hag's help and return to school like normal." Deku widened his eyes.

What was he thinking? He was out of his mind! How could he assume they'd be able to live normal lives after everything and then attend school like that. If it was ever done, what about the students? All of them would be terrified or snicker at them. Kacchan wasn't thinking thoroughly, his mind was unaware but probably due to denial rather than negligence.

The blond yanked the chin he had been holding. Deku swore some sympathic feelings were reflected through his eyes, and a glistening that was plasterned by his insanity lingered. Seeing Kacchan jog away from his view behind, he could not turn his head as he was tied and would itch later on. Crying and crying, he remained on the ground by giving cries that would not be heard by anyone. He cleaned his bloody nose with his shoulder, messing the black long-sleeved uniform. Planning to continue to regret until his arrival, he saw the insects crawling on the other side.

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