Chapter 3: My Confession

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"Kacchan, I-" Deku cut off in-between his words. What was wrong with him? Was there any way that he could answer without giving important information? Maybe make an excuse. But there is no excuse to justify his actions. Nothing is capable of being as crazy or as relevant as his disorder. Bakugo looked at him indifferent, preparing his ignition. He got closer to his form.

"Just motherfucking say it!" Bakugo yelled loudly at his face with anger, bending to see it. "What? Are you just too scared that I would beat you up? Hm?! Or is it because of that stupid notebook? You're really scared that I'd blow it up." Bakugo mocked Deku as he flipped his backpack to his front view. He opened it and a notebook slided from it to his hand. He grabbed it disrespectfully, with the pages hanging, and Deku only looked up to see his precious notebook.

"Talk or I'll destroy it," he commanded firmly. Deku only continued to shake with tears forming. He tried to hide them, though. He remained on the floor with his hands to balance himself. Bakugo kept his stare, slightly humiliating his position relentlessly. "Bastard." Bakugo kicked Deku's stomach again, making him fall back to the floor with no strength. Bakugo looked at his possessions. A look at the notebook and a look at his pills. He had so many options to use, but Deku outsmarted him by not answering.

"Alright, shitty nerd. Apologize to your sorry ass for being a pussy" Bakugo alarmed him to pay attention. He had warned him several times, but Deku always thought that he never took his words into consideration. He saw Bakugo with his arm behind his form, ready to throw something forcefully in the air. He saw his pills. He was going to fling his pills meters away.

And just like that, an inhumane force revolved around them as Bakugo used his quirk and all his might. The bottle of pills went flying and disappeared within a matter of seconds traveling in the sky. "NOO!!" Deku cried out and raised his hand helplessly. He was done and knew that he was going to get into trouble. Not with his mother but with that so-comprehensive doctor. Bakugo smirked and bursted out laughing while Deku struggled mentally.

"PFFT-Hahaha! Why so sad, Deku? Did you really need that medicine" Bakugo mockingly asked with sarcasm in his fingers. "Let's see, why did you need it anyways? Next time your notebook will be on flames, so you better talk." Bakugo threatened him similar to last time below the metalic seats. Deku was going loose it. In this situation, along with Kacchan, in a dark alleyway in which he mistakened for a hallway, with no people around rather than vehicles passing mindlessly. He couldn't control his conflicted emotions. Rage was manifested, to the point of actually masking his disorder, in which was still present at that moment.


Deku, out of pure wrath, tackled Bakugo like a wild dog and made them both collapse on the floor. The notebook that Bakugo held flew aside him. Bakugo groaned and soon shared the same temper when he noticed his sudden behavior. "What the-" Bakugo cursed beneath him as Deku restrained his movements. Deku held his wrists while he restrained his waist with his body. However, Bakugo was smarter than that. "Deku, you fucking creep! Get off of me, I said!" Bakugo yelled once more and rolled the two, switching roles.

He now had Deku under his control and was able to keep him on that position. After Deku's aggressive stage eventually faded, his following one appeared. He accepted this and decided to not fight back, earning a confused noise from Bakugo. "You could have made this much more easier if you just talk-" "I have an illness!" Deku finally spat out. Bakugo kept his confusion and his non-believable face. Apart from being mad that he was cut off, he was concerned on Deku's.

"Tsk! Yeah, whatever. What you just did right now is not because of an illness, you idiot." Bakugo said and neared his face to his, remaining his loathe. "You're just horny, Deku. Those photos and those drawings of me, does that mean you're into me?" Bakugo directly pointed and directly asked him. Deku continued to breathe through panting, and he felt his sweat slide across his forehead.

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