Chapter 17: My Disadvantage

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Deku was dismissed and dashed out of the doors of the school. Friday's day ended, and he was absolutely glad. He hoped that skipping the Journalism club was not a big deal, but worried what his friend thought about it. Although, there was no problem since Kyomi was a talkative and cheerful person. Those who did not have any extracurricular activities went along and occupied the outside with numerous cars parked.

A mass disformed, making it harder to pass through. The green-haired, on the other hand, did not have trouble as he headed to the gates. He saw Kacchan at the right sidewalk with his two friends. Forgetting about the people, he went up to them.

"Come on, Deku. Let's go." Bakugo placed an arm around his shoulders, mutually walking. Deku's heart fastened and his face warmed. "Uh- um... where are we going?" His friends in front chattered with one and another while Bakugo took his friend's phone. He ignored him.


Sighing, he said: "Forget about it, Deku. I told Hag to not expect us to come early. That means we'll get to have a lot of fun." Deku shivered with a terrified face, masking his excitement.

"When I say 'fun' I mean games and all that stuff, idiot." Bakugo smacked his head and went in front to lead his friends. The green-haired's hopes were flooded away.

"Same place right?" Tesaki asked. "Yeah, sure."

They headed to the same direction. They have probably been familiarized to this route they claimed they will be going. Deku assumed it was not such an unrestricted place for his age considering how the managers would have unpermitted these three from participating. Then again, they could go anywhere, anywhere hidden that was meant for deliquent kids like them. He expected nothing good nor bad in this situation, but something that is oddly normalized.

The sun crept in the center of the sky. The walk was quiet at least for Deku's engagement. He was at the back while the front ones conversed. Why did Kacchan invite him? Of course he'll try to do something. The question is: would it be illegal? Kacchan would never go beyond this level if it meant to break a hero's will. Kacchan is not the type to be so careless of his own reputation. He would not even be into these illicit affairs, if he were to be having some.

Nevermind that, he already did something unordinary. He bought or got a hold of a weed chocolate, a piece that he wondered where it was gained. Also, he reminded that Kacchan seized the remaining portion during his temporary walk. He probably did not finish it since his mother would have noticed the effects. He probably had it saved.

"Then after that, we'll go somewhere else, too?" Hashiga asked. "We will be hungry so you'll have to pay for our food."

Deku wanted to know if they were close already. The friends have passed a long sidewalk and two corners, witnessing more urban buildings, and getting into a populated area.

"Oi, Deku, get close to me. You don't want to get lost, do you?" He stopped his steps for the other to catch up. Deku stood at his side without saying anything, but he had many questions. Nonetheless, he could now perceive why this street seemed interactive. There were arcades, casinos, long and dark alleyways, and multiple stores.

"We're going inside, you coming?" Bakugo turned to him as they enterned through an automatic opening-door into a seemingly convenience store. The green-haired nodded repeatively. Inside was cold, and this time there were at least three people on each column. This was different from his town, in which rather resembled a phantom.

The friends visited columns where snacks were set. They also took a look at mint. Some looked for items for "self-defense" though it was quite fishy. They all headed together where Kacchan had called them. Deku went to the back where the last column was. The friends were grinning to each other, making him wonder why. Bakugo went up to him with a mischevious smile and put his arm on his shoulder, dragging him to that corner.

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