Chapter 28: Our Distinctive Goals

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The door slowly opened likewise to those creepy movies, just that this time an old yet fit man stood, holding with ease a skinful bat's neck that connected to his palms. Had a plain white T-shirt, greasy hair that shone without light, pants that reached his hairy knees. He looked down and saw the two unknown kids, one on top disabling the other's movements; and the two invading the shop by illegaly breaking in previously. Their expressions were blank as they were struck by minimum fear from seeing the older, stopping from attacking so blunt.

Inside the mysterious room were two monitors revolving a gray table, papers stacked and a noisy chair if it were dragged on the floor, weak as the tables themselves. It was a tiny space in which was concluded that might have been the office. Guess Ricky did his guesses wrong.

"What're you two punks doin' here, huh?" He rather utilized a loud voice, one that affirmed that he would not hesitate to smack their brains out. Deku's heart hastened as he was being pushed by Kacchan's body, not allowing him to flee or act upon the situation. The blond, however, got off of him once his worries began, luckily. Raising his hands up in defense, he tried to persuade the man to not be reckless.

They tightened their hold on the bat, technically their skin, frowning in response Bakugo's inexplicable imitations. That must've been the man's quirk: forming part of his skin into a specific figure. The blond refused to use courtesy or attempt to get himself out in definite virtue.

"Were you fightin' or doin' the shameless?" After awkward silence, a rough tone was accustomed to the itchiness in their own spittle. He switched his head to the two for answers.

Bakugo grinned, lightly kicking the green-haired's foot who was laying as a plank on the floor to stand up indirectly, meaning he had something in mind. He was going to avoid the questions he had asked.

Without the smirk off the view, Bakugo pointed to the door frame from the back. It was wide open, the one in which they entered in the first place, alarming the man of the unrecognizable source of light that greeted his face once stepping nearer. Izuku gained a stance, shaking from the thought of not escaping with success, but staring at Kacchan.

Bakugo sprinted to the main area where the knife was dug on the wall, hiding it in his pocket. The sudden running noises made the man turn his head to the missing figure, preparing a strike with his bat. He saw how dangerously the blond ran towards him, leading the bat up his shoulder to eventually swing it at him.

He grabbed his own wrist and had the hand open, directing the arising explosion to blow his face. The man's body collapsed inside the room. Deku squeeled as he thought he was going to be blown as well, though Kacchan had seized his collar to bring him farther. They were under the door frame to the outside, but Bakugo planned on finishing what was started.

Grunting, the man tried to push his hands down in order to stand, dizzy and feeling his burnt face sting so roughly. Looking up, he saw the owner of the shadow, a terrifying blond standing with a knife. He plunged it deep into his chest after raising it. Not even did he react since he was unabled to move his damaged arm. Eyes soon lost its coordinates, gazing at the ceiling, mouth wide-opened, as if a dog had been driven over by a speedy car. His lifeless body becoming more inactive, and finally dropping on the floor.

Uttering a long sigh, the spiky-blond stood again, leaving the space and returning to the cashier. Deku followed him behind until he got a glimpse of the pool of blood. The guilt crashed onto him tragically. He was so scared.

"You killed him..." His voice trembled.

"I had to."

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