Chapter 34: His Desperation

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After sleeping on the sturdy floor, Deku had grown uncomfortable to his position. He had his legs rolled to his chest, with the coldness in the room circulating. Kirishima had been out for a while, and it was understandable. Even if Midoriya was in his room, that did not mean he had to ditch his parents. There was a need to reassure that everything was just as normal.

The door creaked, allowing the light from the other side to join in temporarily. Then it was closed roughly, as if the door was shut with a kick.

Midoriya peeked from the corner of his eye; he was half-awake to maintain an alerted consciousness.

"It's me." Kirishima sat down alongside with three rice rolls on his hands. Being informed, Midoriya scurried himself to lay his back against the wall, quiet as ever. The other handed him the rice rolls and he received them with care. A small 'thank you' was muttered.

Eating the tasting rice roll, it satisfied half of the boy's appetite. It has been days ever since he had eaten something good or decent. It's like he got numbed to feeling his stomach empty. Meanwhile Kirishima sat aside, shooting his look to different spots of his bedroom, a little tension evolved. All that was heard was Midoriya munching and swallowing; it was awkward.


Midoriya glanced at him.

"How are you?" Kirishima said blankly.

"I'm okay," Midoriya barely voiced while eating. "Are there any news of Kacchan? I mean, is there something up on the television?"

"Actually, there is," Kirishima levitated his back and wandered in his pocket. He grabbed his phone and turned it on. "Just recently, people have been saying that The League of Villains are looking for him, but he is not even fazed. That he is simply running in the streets with his explosions." As he sustained the hold on the phone, he managed to get a look at the greenette. Calm but attentive, that was everything he could notice. Although, he expected a reaction since what he said heavily related to them.

"Does that mean... he is looking for me?"

"Yeah. It surely is."

Midoriya felt uncomfortable again. How could he fall asleep, how could he rest with those worries weighting him down? Kacchan was looking for him, hunting for him. And he was certainly bound to spend restless nights until he got what he wanted.

"When is the U.A exam?" Midoriya asked in deep thought. There was silence between them. Kirishima stretched his arms and moved his shoulders softly. He then maintained a straight look at him.

"The exam is in three days."

The green-haired boy was shocked. Three days? How long has it been ever since he saw the calendar? He had lost track of time, but didn't expect the days to near so fast. Frozen by self-concern, Midoriya stared aimlessly at the sheets of the bed. Three days... Would he have time to prepare and master the skill of using support items in battle?

"Three days..." muttering, his eyes locked to the tangling of his shaking fingers. "I don't think I'm staying here for too long." Beated by hopelessness, his head directed to his crossed arms, remaining his legs upward.

"It's fine, we'll do something," Kirishima placed a hand on his frightened shoulder, presenting an assured smile.

The next day, there was no need to waste any more precious time. Once Kirishima's parents left the household, he immediately woke up Midoriya, who had been sleeping underneath the bed with a blanket. Though exhausted he forced himself to stand up, and led to the bathroom. Kirishima called Ashido over as her mother allowed her temporarily stay in the residence. This way they could plan things out, even if there was nothing concrete in mind.

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