Chapter 2: His Confrontation

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'Orgasm. Orgasm? Orgasm?!' Deku yelled inside his head as he walked down the crowded hallway. He tightened his grip onto his backpack's shoulder straps, looking tiredly at the floor. 'Why couldn't it be something more convenient? Yesterday I imagined girls, and it seemed to work. Maybe I should become closer to them?' In a perverted manner, Deku thought, but quickly brushed away the fact. He had not been able to think righteous after the spark of his condition.

'No, no... that is not right. I shouldn't use girls for my own benefit. Maybe try something else...' He trailed off as he reached his locker. At his sides, kids were hanging out excluding the use of their lockers. They were mostly blocking essential personal space. Deku sighed deeply as the voices of all of the middle schoolers were mixed together.

As Deku opened the door, he saw the abnormal gap between his chunky books. While looking at the unknown void and the rest of his collections, he connected points. Suddenly, he remembered again about his notebook. Kacchan had takened it!

Since Deku had no intentions of getting notebooks or storing any in his locker, he violently shutted it, capturing the mild attentions of the classmates who surrounded him. The brusque impact against the door of the locker made his belongings fall off before it had a chance to close properly.

It closed, only with the worst effects. A number of pictures and drawings that hid behind the door fell as a result. The thing was that these were no ordinary illustrations, these were pictures and drawings of Bakugo. Deku's mindset was too giddy to realize apart from him having his eyes closed. While he remained on that position, the papers disordered all across the floor. He slapped his hand to his mouth to contain his dizziness and kept his balance by placing a hand on the locker.

A group of female students near Deku stopped walking. They paused their chatter to frown in response of Deku's sudden behavior. Others that paused crouched to grab the intriguing pictures. The students at his side stared at him with judgement written on their face. Others had the nerve to laugh or even mock his aghasted expression as they pointed at him. When almost everyone that was involved in the area noticed why everyone had started laughing, they joined too.

But once they all saw the pictures that revolved around Deku, they all switched to disgusted looks. This gathered attention.

Someone crashed their shoulder on Deku's, making him fall on the ground. "Hah? What's this?" A blonded-haired boy with blue eyes mockingly questioned, grabbing Deku by the back of his neck and putting him on stand. "Don't tell me! Are these photographs of Bakugo Katsuki from Class 3-C? Why do you have them, Midoriya?" He continued playfully by moving back and forward the hold on his neck.

"N-nothing! They are nothing! Those photographs don't belong to me, I swear!" Deku stuttered defensively with his hands up shaking side to side, brushing his sentence. "Oh really? Then why did it fall off your locker when you closed it?" He continued with a sly smile, shocking the students who didn't know that yet.

"Ohhhhh!!" They teased with ignorance.

Deku fought as he was restrained in a crowded area and was chained by the hands of a malicious person. He hardly pulled himself by force and got off of his possession.  While he maintained his stand, he didn't hesitate to cower away from the scene.

"Hahahah! Homosexual!"

"Such a gay nerd!"

"What a creep! Hiding and keeping pictures of a guy with the same sex!"

Deku harshly pushed those who were in his way as he ran to the exit of the building. As he stepped further away, the laughter only grew more due to this childish attitude. He had started crying and covered his face with his other hand. He had begun to sweat intensely and got dizzy each second. The gathering of the people and the lack of oxygen only made him capable of breathing less. He ran and almost tripped, but this time he was not heading to the male's restroom.

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