Chapter 29: My Sickness

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Not having the opportunity to react as quickly, Kacchan punched his cheek, making Deku stumble backward and almost falling down if it weren't for the wall aside. His tongue investigated the unsual taste of iron around his mouth, and realized it was blood that leaked from the spot in which he was hit. He glanced up in fright, lowering his hand. Bakugo seized his collar before looking up.

"You thought I wouldn't notice, huh?" He yanked him to the wall with a bump, earning a yelp. The blond stepped in the middle of his view. "Staying outside yesterday and today coming back at fucking night. Oh, you thought I'd be like 'Oh, he's probably walking around like he said last time?'" Bakugo mocked with a churlish tone. He gripped the jacket's collar again to his face.

"And what? Wearing your supposed friend's jacket as if that's what friends do? Don't fuck me with that shit!" Raising his voice, the blond threw him to the side with force. Deku uttered exhausted noises, trying to stand with his shaking body.

Bakugo pushed his foot down onto his back, dropping the green-haired into a plank.
"You knew! You knew I was going to find out! So why don't you ever listen to me? You're so damn annoying, Gosh!" His foot kicked Deku's body in aggression. "If you don't want to follow my simple instructions, then go fuck off and live on your own! Hah! Live on your own? You can't even stand up!"

Weighting his body on top of the other, he snatched his strands upward, looking aside to visualize his face. Deku let out a whine.

"Look at you! Can't even fight back because you're so damn weak!" The blond did not let go and leaned to the table in front, grabbing a plate with curry. "How would you take care of yourself if you don't eat a single fucking thing?" He placed it on the floor for him to see, but all the green-haired was doing was clenching his eyes. Bakugo pulled his hair to let his gasp loose afterwards. "Eat," he stood up, walking somewhere in the room.

Midoriya didn't waste time and started digesting a required part of his nutrients. Eating with hurry considering how the appearance and taste of the curry made his stomach growl for it to be fed. He felt relieved he had something moderately good to eat, soon realizing how Kacchan stared sitting down in in front of the bed, arms crossed.

"Thanks," he barely whispered in a pitched volume. Bakugo made a mocking 'tsk' with his tongue. He turned to finish the last spoons, savoring the flavor of the spiciness and sweetness combined, exhaling a sigh after getting dizzy for eating too fast.

"Are you full?" The blond asked. Deku nodded, kneeling ahead while putting the plate on the table. "Good," he stood up and kicked his stomach forcefully, gaining a gasp. Bakugo crouched and held his hair from behind to control his head. "With just these kicks here and there I will obviously not be satisfied." His red-crimson eyes daggered at his orbs in insanity and lack of mercy. "Tomorrow you're going kill a person. And if you don't, I'll let you die."

"What? No! I'm not going to!" Deku sank his teeth into his arm until a small trail of blood appeared, parting away after the blond was holding the bite mark.

"Agh, fuck! You bitch! I swear you just can't learn." Bakugo tossed an explosive spark to Deku, who ducked when it hit the carpet. A vein grew near his forehead, and as much as he wanted to contain his brusque behavior, the blond held out the knife from his pockets.

"Kacchan! Don't! Get away from me!" Deku stammered, putting his hands up to protect his face.

The blond headed towards him and attempted to plunge the knife into his shoulder. Deku fastened to skip the bed and used it as barrier. There was not much space in order to escape from Kacchan, who had superior qualities when it comes to fighting, but he wanted to at least try to not get maimed.

Instead of leaping the bed, the spiky-blond, of course, wasn't much of a wimp to do so and ran in rotation to catch him, blowing taunting explosions that simply tainted the walls of a fainted smoke. Deku constantly gave shrieks whenever he got too close, instinctively switching sides to slide from their grasp. At one point Izuku attempted to crawl over the mattress with speed, but his hair was seized and pulled from behind. The green-haired was pinned to the wall with the sharp point of the knife to his neck.

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