Chapter 26: His First Theft

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Behind a lively tree they hid, studying the interior and outside of the so-called house or friendly dog pound. The man read a newspaper from what was seen through the opened brown door, a leg on top of his other knee. There was a cash register and a row of cages piled on each other on the next wall, thin and rusty, ready to be sold to their future owners. Dogs silently slept caged in different sized metals in natural colors. They were their own unique breed and rather young.

"He's distracted," the blond turned to face the other, "better do it now before any customers come, even though I doubt why anybody would come this far just to get a shitty dog."

Before ordering the other to begin his anticipated move, he said: "you know what you gotta do, right?" Deku nodded.

The greenette skipped a trail of trees behind their shadows, sneaking farther away from the house in order to be settled anonimously. Beneath these leaves they wouldn't be seen as the light didn't reach the surface of the ground, not even its rays surpassed the minimum entrance between the short gaps. Deku headed to the back of the store, and there he was, bending over to examine a specific direction. He had a chunky rock on his right hand, tightly gripping it to amplify its damage.

He was not exactly far from Kacchan's sight, who attentively watched his moves to reconsider the following procedure. The green-haired switched his head from every animal in front of the lengthy yet small fence, confirming the probability that this would work. Tada! There was a closed window in the wall, and it reckons that it is of no use since it is covered with nailed wood. Nobody would be able to peek through it, unless the wood breaks.

With a prodigious might demonstrated through Deku's soon-fling, he threw it with force directing to the crystal. The window was dramatically smashed into pieces along with the weak, manifactured material. As expected, the little one flinched from such alarming noise, and used the knife to slice open the silver gate's centre. The chickens, agitated, fluttered their wings while clucking. Deku hurried himself to quickly return back to the woods. Guilt slowly lurked.

Bakugo did not even have to be told that the first step was accomplished. Deku returned within pantings and fell on the floor when a pain stinged, regaining breaths. Although, Bakugo kneeled and took the blade from him to see the elder, who had a face that showed his concern. Due to his incapability to move his body at a fast pace, it took him minutes to be at the back where the chickens pecked in the field freely.

His face was not seen now, but they knew the poor man felt troubled. Troubled to deal with any punk who damaged the window he paid to be under maintainance and then all of his chickens escaping from the hole. His back ached, and he couldn't even deplore his energy into picking them up, only one by one, in which, would cause more to leave from his grasp when he was not looking.

Meanwhile Bakugo smirked in resolute, Deku couldn't help but feel pity for him. A hero wouldn't do this. At this very moment, Deku could go over and help him, but it was wrong to do something like that when he caused that mess. Then again, there was nothing unrighteous by fixing one's own mistake, but at this very moment, he was stopped by a menacing presence.

The blond dashed from the shadows and was exposed to the lighting temporarily. He ducked to slowly enter the place, and did not waste time to go behind the register. There, he forced the box open, but failed to do so since a metal keyhole blocked it. He groaned, frustrated, and held up his knife to attempt for a second time. There was no need to put that effort into disposal, so he had to act quick before the owner returned at any moment.

He dug the knife through the thin sides, plunging and sliding the corners with force so it would come off after deliberate damage affects the mechanism. Another plunge and there was no progress made. Flared up by the fact that Bakugo could not use his quirk and how the shitty weapon was useless, he, instead, pull it out and stabbed the top. Anger aid him to slice the entire surface open, turning the register frivolous as the numbers were ripped.

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