Chapter 37: ₮ⱧɆ ₳₱₱Ɇ₳Ɽ₳₦₵Ɇ

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"There's no need to fear, why? Because I am here!"

The atmosphere got colder than it already was. This dreadful feeling of intimidation circulated in the air by the energy of his voice and the mighty impact.

"All..." Bakugo uttered through the shivers that went down his spine. He slowly spun his head.

"...Might," Deku finished as both of the boys mutually aparted and turned around, facing the legacy who stood in the middle of the streets. The American-styled costume, and bunny-looking yellow hair shinning by the glistening of the rain. Knuckles placed in his waist admitting his role in victory, and that widen smile that Deku never had thought would bring fearsome tendencies. Once he had admired him; now, he feared his capabilities.

The hero stepped close to them wordlessly. Bakugo and Deku would have been so content to meet him in person, but not here in this situation.

"Young Bakugo and Young Midoriya..." All Might sighed a few feet away. He was aware that the blond had an incredible quirk. And apart from the fact that it also shaped his explosive personality, this kid could do anything out of the ordinary. He had to keep his boundaries and limits measured, despite being the strongest hero in Japan.

"All Might," Deku said again, not believing what he saw in his eyes. He panted so nervously and happy, that he formed a smile at the sight of The Symbol of Peace. Bakugo, who was distracted by All Might, felt himself empty when he no longer sensed Deku's presence. Snapping beside, he noticed that Deku ran towards the hero.

All Might saw the boy running towards him with the purest smile ever. He knew he had never seen him so cheerfully through the television. Constantly, he was always filled with sadness, regret, fear, and something to worry about. Before being assigned to deal with this major case, he looked over the files and read that the green-haired boy didn't have a quirk. Thereby, he did not have to be so careful over his actions, but their effects.

"It's All Might... The real All Might," Deku muttered some distance away the figure, examining the features of his idol because he knew them so well. The hero tilted his head in confusion, but his iconic, widen smile never changed. Bakugo didn't like the fact that the boy aparted away from him, and the fact that he was too far.

"Deku," he said with a baleful tone. "Come back here." Another thunder roared in the other side of a building scarying off the green-haired in the midst of the downpour. He turned his head to the blond, frightened as he hasn't really finished dealing with him first.

Before setting his mind up to a goal, he simply switched his head to both, reconsidering what was the best thing to do. Go to All Might or go to Kacchan? But in reality, Deku couldn't take such a risk just yet.

"Young Bakugo, are you aware of how much damage and harm you have caused?" All Might began, stepping in front to put his hands on Midoriya's shoulders. He held him away from the other to protect him. Bakugo shrugged without a thought.

"And how long did it took you to notice?" The blond submitted an additional question, smirking at his own comment. All Might's smile was unfazed, but that did not mean many emotions and worries rushed through his mind.

"I would say not so long than you would've expected," the hero replied. "I participated in a private police investigation to help with the search and the planning, but for some reason, they always got delayed." Midoriya tensed up. Despite being secured by his dearest idol, he didn't just want to stand by idly and look at each other talk.

"And I wonder why. Would it be because it was pointless? You never found connections and could've never tracked us down. That's why your lazy waiting and hopes brought it this far," he bended over, grinning as he made sure this statement was heard. "Never expected it coming from the No. 1 hero."

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