Chapter 14: His Revival

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Izuku's Interview-

"What were you doing last Saturday?" The terrifying officer interrogated Deku, whose memory and body trembled. He looked at the table for a few seconds before answering, recollecting his last actions and whereabouts. Then, he turned his face to him again.

"I was at the park, a little far from my house. I went there to have some fresh cold air even if it is winter. I didn't do anything other than sitting and looking around," he reminded himself. The officer looked up to the camera that was set at the corner of the room. He nodded to himself.

He was a very dressed, formal guy with his tie and fascinating coat, but with no hat or cap. He looked like a young adult around his 20's or 30's, seemed matured but easily convinced. Not to mention his height, which was almost two inches less than the length of the room's door. His hair all refreshed with clear skin.

"Okay," he shortly stated and looked at the next page of a paper. "What about... what were you doing at 10:10PM? Were you still in the park? Where you somewhere else?" He questioned firmly and was attentive to Deku's psychological response.

"I think I was about to go home at that point. I probably spent some time walking and had cut my trail to peek at new places..." he said. The officer was left there thinking on his own.

"Hmm..." Doubt was shown. "Was there anyone with you?" Deku caught up in a surprise. He forgot to mention the fact that Kacchan was there, but hoped that there was no importance in that exclusion.

"Yes. Actually, Kacchan had come to the park a few minutes after I did. I didn't even know how he knew where I was, but he sat with me for a while," truthfully, he stated. Although, he'd be lying if he said he wasn't nervous.


Short silence sat by while the officer took a glimpse of the paper's information and turned to the camera before Deku. "Who's Kacchan?" He asked. "O-oh, I meant Katsuki. Sorry, I tend to call him Kacchan." For some reason he was embarrassed. "That's okay," he reassured.


"So, Katsuki was with you until then..." he repeated without directly looking at him, but while taking some notes with a pen. "Tell me, at what time did he leave?" He looked up, and Deku hesistated.

Katsuki's Interview-

"I went for a walk," Bakugo roughly said. "That's it? Where were you heading? At what time?" The same officer asked and was shut quickly by Bakugo's tired groan. He laid his head on the chair. "You think I know what time I was walking on Saturday? Please!" He mocked rudely.

"At least tell me where you were going," he replied, ignoring his lack of discipline.

Bakugo crossed his legs. "Fine. I went to this park, but that's only because I crossed paths with it. I would've bought my spices which was in the store next to the area," he said. The officer hummed in consideration that he listened. Bakugo stared at him.

'If I'd say I was straight up going to the park, he'd find it suspicious, and think that I knew where Deku was. Probably that I tracked his location from his phone or something,' the blond thought. 'Also, if I were to say I bought the spices, he would ask for a receipt and the surveillance cameras to the owner.

"Let's see, and why didn't you buy your spices before entering the park?" The officer questioned again.

"Who said I entered the park?"

"Did you?"

The blond looked aside and disconnected his eye-contact, annoyed to an extent. "I did," he muttered. The officer turned down again but switched his vision to the camera to check if it caught what he said. "Why did you enter? Was there someone you knew that was there?" He asked, and Bakugo looked up with a smirk.

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