Chapter 42: My Confirmation

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Insulting himself for being so stupid in this commitment, Todoroki rested near a shop that was set behind four monuments where Midoriya supposedly was. With no signal, no descriptive information of the coordination and his whereabouts, and no current reports in the case, he grew concerned. Maybe, he thought, that his actions lacked comprehension beforehand. Next time he was not going to act upon his personal feelings, and be more thoughtful when it comes to serious files such as these ones. Though deep down he knew these considerations, Midoriya being in danger instigated him; so he could not help but pursue searching for him.

After he departed from the scene in the Musutafu interrogation scene, he heard a bomb from afar where he currently was. His mind at the time was so driven by his own motivations that he did not notice. Uraraka luckily informed him that no Pro Heroes were harmed, but that many citizens, bystanders; buildings and streets demolished from the impact. When Snipe realized that Todoroki abandoned that tragedy, he even threatened the hero forces to remove him from his work position. Such act of desertion for personal gain was unforgivable, no matter if the reason contributed to the federal government. The bicolor's decision without being instructed almost led to more drastic causes.

On these regions the weather could be deceiving and the temperature was lower than before. Fortunately, Todoroki ignited his fire as he walked down a sidewalk to the park of that area, keeping his body warm. He did not know where he was. He simply walked and walked as he waited for Uraraka to send him Midoriya's location.

Some kids that ran down the street screeched when seeing Shoto, the No. 4 Pro Hero of Japan. They pointed fingers at him, and the man greeted them with a smile. But his view altered as he passed the mountain, seeing nothing but hundreds of residences. New branches got in his way in the deepest void of the forest, scratching his cheek. Because space was minimizing, he lighten his fire with an index finger, carefully not causing a wildfire.

"Let me compensate for everything," he brushed his skin against mine. His breath tickled with my ear, feeling shivers invade my whole senses. I thought I was going to faint, but it was too risky to allow it. I tried to say something, though nothing came out. Kacchan noticed this, and he looked at me directly.

"Would you let me I do it?" What was the point in asking? You've come this far, wouldn't you be the type to force me in your own wishes? Asking for consent for the first time, as if I did not know he was being fake. I looked without interest, shamefully mourning to myself but not releasing a single tear. I did not want to surrender just yet.

"Just tell me, Deku." I stared where his spiky hair was not prompted. No matter how terrible he was, the thought of him disappearing for a second time felt considerable. I would rather wish that he suffers in order to get what he truly deserves. "If you say no, everything that was done to capture you will be pointless."

Thinking what should I do, my muscles felt weak, but it was all his doing. I wanted to say a word, yet no idea comes to mind. Maybe... just maybe... we could do it this one time, this last chance. It will be over after this, I hope. I hope after this, the despair we've endured ceases for good.

I raised my handcuffs and placed it on his back, softly pulling him to an embrace. Surprised, he hugged me too, holding me with a hand, and with the other grasping my hair.

Once I confirmed that Kacchan assumably relaxed from my touch, I quickly returned my arms and kicked his stomach. He fell back down in pain as I hopped to my feet, losing a proper focus, but feeling triumph as I finally caught him like a bubblegum stuck underneath one's shoe. Compensate? No matter what you do, Kacchan. All of those dreadful experiences I had with you can not be forgiven. I'm sorry.

The past was a careless mistake, and now that I know more than I ever did, I can not let it repeat itself to my full knowlege.

Holding his stomach, he held his balance from the rack. Even with these annoying handcuffs, that did not mean I was not going beyond my capabilities. His face was priceless, as if he did not understand my reaction. He seemed lost, but I had no other discarded pity. Soon another headache intensified in the back of my head, making me force my leg to remain stable. It kept pumping and I felt that I was going to descend into a durable sleep.

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