Chapter 5: My Troubles

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Left neglected by a small society below the rainy and noisy sky. Alone and embraced by the icy wind in which roared harmfully. Unsafe and with fear, Deku layed on the concrete floor in the ever darkest alleyway, being showered by the unlimited raindrops. He was unconcious only for long hours until he finally woke up from his uncomfortable position. He felt numb by the pain that traveled throughout his whole body. He couldn't move besides that, having trouble to apart his eyes and react to the freezing drops.

"What...where..." Confused, Deku mumbled beneath his rough voice. The rain had washed away his bloody face, but his injuries remained visible apart from his pain. He finally trembled and felt the low temperature arising through his senses. He sat up extremely slow to prevent increasing the pain in his legs, arms, back, and chest. Taking a look at his uniform, he saw his messy shirt and rightfully did it back in place.

While that happened, he got wetter from the rain and looked up to see the downright black sky. He groaned and looked around the floor.

His backpack was there all soaked up. Deku rubbed his face with his hand before trying to stand up. He had a headache. He shivered from coldness and stumbled within his steps. Even though he couldn't see, the moon that hid behind the buildings shined enough for him to see its outline. After Deku reached his freezing backpack, he kneeled and unzipped the lower part. There he searched for his phone. Only a black screen. It was off.

Filled with slight anguish, he sighed frustrated. It was night. It was raining. He wasn't lost but rather stucked in a troublesome situation. He was beaten up. He couldn't tell his mother the truth, he thought. Deku stood up successfully this time and picked up his backpack. It felt heavier considering how he felt weaker, too. Deku took little steps as he walked looking at the floor. He grabbed onto his straps and frowned. He headed towards the nearest convenience store.

Slow but eventually, Deku tried to anonymously enter the store without any from the outside seeing him. He entered all wet and with a severely harmed face. Deku was just too weak to be mindful. So, he continued. As he walked passed a few aisles, he tried to find a pack of cheap medical supplies. These had to include at least alcohol and enough bandages. Along with the inability to focus, he was sleepy.

Once grabbing one with his messed up hand, worthing 1549.88 yens, he barely walked straight to the cash register. The worker, surprised to attend anyone at that time, was a fairly-aged woman. She turned as she saw the boy near to her direction, noticing his depressing appearance. Deku unbotheredly placed the pack on the counter, leaving wet drops on the surface from his hand. He flipped his bag and took out the yens. Then, he slid it on the smooth counter. With that, he looked down troubled and lost.

"Will that be all, sir?" She asked with slight hint of worry in her words. Despite that, she followed along with her job and registered the money anyways. "Yes" Deku mumbled and raised his head to see properly. "Okay then, that would be 177-" "Ah, gosh! Your face, my dear. It's so injured! What happened?" She questioned with uneasiness from his disformed face. Her worries then rose adequately, now paying attention to this unknown and alone kid.

"I-..." Deku started. "It's nothing, ma'am." His eyes opened, almost happy to be able to tell someone about his problem, but soon faded when thinking about the aftermath. He turned down. "Kid, please tell me. At least let me treat your wounds!" She requested concerningly from the other side. Deku hesitated in an instant, feeling unsure whether to let someone help his own mistake.

"If you insist...and if that isn't a problem..." Deku silently muttered while looking at the tiles. He felt uncomfortable but needed aid either way.


"So that's what happened. Still, it's unbelievable that they injured you very bad. And also, that you were left there for the whole day" the fairly-aged woman considerately recounted. She was cleaning his aching cheek before applying a bandage. They were both behind the cash register, something that made Deku doubt whether it was okay for him to be there, too. He sat at the chair while the woman kneeled to cover his harmed cheeks and forehead.

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