Chapter 15: My Suspicion

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Mitsuki violently yanked the door open after hearing Izuku and Katsuki's steps outside the household. "Is everything alright? I heard gunshots nearby!"

"Gunshots? Haven't heard anything," Bakugo untruthfully stated with the green-haired catching up.

After the adults in the woods took the child away, Bakugo and Deku decided to flee before anyone could see them somehow. The bruises and injuries they received, mostly the blond, were hidden by the clothing that they had on, so Mitsuki could not perceive it. Even if they are less likely to be involved, an ambulance was probably called since bringing the girl to a hospital will cause her to waste even more blood.

It was afternoon, and the sky was tinted with a peachy-flaming sheet. Aparted clouds and a bright sunset soon to wave its goodbyes. The two boys were greeted by an anxious mother whose son's replies were not enough to convince her.

"Get in." The house was awfully quiet. Masaru was not there yet, but since he had already left work, it meant that he was taking care of other responsibilites. "Sit down, I need to talk to you both." Without a doubt, her reaction was horrifying to predict, she could want to talk about anything.

While Mitsuki sat on a singular couch, the two boys were led to the lengthy one in which they expectedly had a myriad of space distancing them.

"You already know, Izuku, but basically, you will be staying with us. You will live here as if you were our adopted son. We'll help you as much as we can and take care of you hopefully until adulthood," she started. Already with a shocking introductory, Bakugo was overthinking about it a lot. The green-haired rather relaxed because his last worries perished, only lasting a few others that he conciously inhailed.

"I would want you to also be comfortable living here. I'd hate for you to get transfered to another home in which you are not familiar with," her concern was shared. "If you ever have something to worry about, ever get into trouble, or need to talk to someone, you know you have me and Masaru."

She had a respectable pose, with her hands together placed in the middle of her thighs, expressing sympathy and morality.

"Well, and also Katsuki, but he can be an irritating nag so don't depend on him to make you feel better," she insulted her own son. The blond uttered a confused yet offended noise. Deku slightly giggled.

"Anyway, Katsuki. The officers called me and requested to hand them your phone. They said it would help the case by clearing you off the list, so I see no problem with it." Bakugo's expression was priceless. He was stunned by the inability to react. His face was shattered and purely in shockness.

"WHAT?!" He rapidly stood up. "You gave it to them without my permission? That phone is fucking personal to me!" He yelled very loud, louder than usual. Deku got scared and cowered to the corner of the couch.

"Not yet, I'll give it to them tomorrow. I don't see why are you acting like that, it's a good thing so you won't have to come again to the police station," she calmly reassured and surprisingly didn't curse at him for using profanity.

"Nnn- I have stuff in it! They can't look into it if I tell them no!" His vains were outlined out of rage. He even had his fists formed. "Katsuki, sit down. Why are you so stressed? Do you have something inappropiate in it?"

Bakugo pouted, also taken by surprise. "No!"

"Okay then, just let them do their duty. It would ease the unnecessary work," she tried to sort out his abrupt emotion.

"You don't know if it'll put us at more suspicion," he mumbled.

"What was that?"


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