Chapter 31: My Risk

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Miniature snowflakes fell from the sky with delicacy, slowly making its way to the wet, freezing ground. As it plotted its outcome to end as a detrimental blizzard, considering how it just started pouring from the endless clouds, only the congested view would be blinded from the beautiful snow. The ground was wet since instead of coating, at the moment, it started to spread its influence, warning the bystanders the arriving season.

Morning, it was.

The bright sun sheltered by the structured clouds. Branches being pressured by the snow that rested on top, and the river as still as it was from its enduring flow that was no more.

It was cold, and the tiny flakes landed on the two forms. Katsuki seemed to have woken up after a special one tickled his nose. Opening his eyes, he noticed Deku's hands over his body, hugging him softly ever since last night. He sat up nevertheless, groaning as he stretched his arms.

Standing up, he looked at the sky. It was certainly starting to snow, so they better had to find somewhere to stay without halts. Beneath his visible breath, a curse regarding this unavoidable situation described his current mood. He switched to the freckled that was below him, laying down, sleeping quietly without being aware of the exterior world from the other side of his mind.

Wasting no more time or meaningless breaths, Katsuki grabed the yellow and chilling backpack, resting the straps round his shoulder. Firmly grabbing onto it, he gave light kicks on Deku's torso- like two or three -to wake him up. A few more kicks and Deku rolled softly as his eyes opened, a snowflake meeting the naked eye of his. He sat with speed and rubbed the eye that began to sting.

"It's starting to snow," said Bakugo, looking at the cloudy sky that was distracted by the plain tree logs and their skinny branches. As the greenette straightened his legs, he gave a small groan to stretch his intact body after waking up. Then, he noticed the legitimate difference in the weather and expected that this new walking course would be as a result of that.

"What are we going to do?" He asked wonderbly, looking at Kacchan's tired face.

"Go get shelter, of course. We'll die out here," Bakugo explained.

"Are we going somewhere in particular?" Deku neared so we would be heard, caressing his arms to warm himself from the air.

"Obviously not," he said. "But we'll have to go back. We're not familiarized with this area, and even though it's risky to meet up with those idiots of the motel, it's better than freezing to death," he assured orderly so the greenette could listen. Deku agreed, but he had his own reasons. Apparently, if they went to the opposite direction in which they fled from, he was sure that he would come across the same house of that friend of his.

Led by fortune, the river was completely frozen for their own good, allowing the two the cross over it and return to the other side of the land with no harm. As they stepped, the dried leafs under their shoes crunched in a distasteful sound. The farther they went, the more they could not go back as the congested air reacted as a fog. Deku flickered his sight at every corner, examining his surroundings in detail and recollecting the thoughts of last night, in which he could see anything from the lack of light.

It seemed that most things were not as creepy as he believed they were within the darkness. In the day time, well, the sky was more light-blue considering the season, but at night, he arranged horrific ilusions thanks to his fear. The anxiety that drove him was the cause of him imagining things, so it was evident why he was so afraid to run in the woods with no light support at night. Kacchan was quiet as he guided the way, sort of remembering Deku of those days he walked home with Kacchan.

Those days when he stared at his back, not meant to be a creepy motive, but bring happiness to him about it. Now, those normal days were over, and he was facing a probable, menacing future that would desintegrate far more greater than Shigaraki's touch his collapsed dream. It made him tense up when thinking about it, encouraging him to caress his own arms faster from nervousness.

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