Chapter 13: My Mistakes

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It was very cold outside. Deku wore two jackets, but even so, they were not resistable in such frozen space. That meant that he could not eat his lunch on the grass, making him either stay in the locker area or finally enter the cafeteria. He decided to enter the crowded mass since staying in the hallways would make him look foolish. Hoping that he could get a glimpse of Kyomi, he sat in the corner of the building, absolutely avoiding anyone.

Most people took into consideration this obligated decision, so Deku noticed the number of students that attended and were in the school. Quite alot. It made him even nervous as the ones who walked together with their trays formed the occupied appearance. He could not search for her. Other than that, he feared to exchange looks with his enemies, or feared if they hid watching. Deku had not noticed that he had been too caught up with his thinking.

"Hey, Izuku!" Kyomi ran up to him as two other girls decided to go along with their own path. "Uaargh! O-oh! You scared me..." Deku breathed out. The girl giggled playfully. "Why are you not sitting on the tables?" She questioned while she kneeled in front of him.

"I... feel that I'm not welcomed. Everyone hates me here so I want to stay away as possible," he muttered sadly. Kyomi looked concerned and mutually understood his over-thinking. She rapidly stood up with energy and placed her hands likewise a hero's pose. "Izuku! I know how you feel, but never EVER submit to these narrowed idiots. Don't please them! And stand up for yourself! If people hate you, it is unnecessary for you to waste your time on them!"

Deku felt slightly embarrassed having a girl clarify these things for him, but he was grateful. He felt worthy again. "Thank you alot," he lowly said below her. The pigtail-haired girl "hmp-ed" and pulled his wrist for him to stand up. "Wait, wait! What are you doing?" Deku was taken out of surprise.

"Even if you say thank you, nothing will change. I want you to start by now. I want you to ignore them,"Kyomi firmly ordered him while dragging his wrist to an empty table. As he was dragged, some students directly stared at the two while passing many tables being used. Once there, she moved a chair back. "Why are you covering your face?" She asked once turning her head to Deku's cowered position.

"There a-are some people I know that are watching me-" "Good to know!" The pigtail-haired yanked his hand away from his face. Before Deku could even react, she had pushed down his shoulders so he would sit on the chair. Contently, she sat aside, and the green-haired remained a look downside.

"See? It's not so bad at all!" Kyomi noted obliviously. 'It wasn't as bad because you were with me. But I feel so stressed out. I wish you could know how I feel-'

"Kyomi who's this?" A girl with a ponytail asked as she neared her probable friend. Another group came by, and Deku could just sense the social tension. "Chikako, that's the guy who people keep talking about. You know, the gay kid," a boy informed her, but he legitimately seemed kind. Deku apart his vision and closed his eyes out of embarassment. "I'm not gay..." he muttered silently.

"Um, well. That's okay. I'm Kyomi's friend, Chikako. What's your name?" Deku looked at her, shocked as she gave him a hand. She was capable of accepting him or not caring about these rumors. Beneath the darkness, there will always be a light. In this world filled with villains, there will always be a savior, a hero. He took her and shook it gently. "I'm Izuku."

While she and her other two friends sat down, the same guy then began: "No, but, he also did some stuff with Bakugo. That guy with the explosion quirk," he whispered in her ear. "And that's none of my business," she moved his hand away. "Izuku could be a great person for all I know." The ponytail-haired sat down with her tray while others complied. Kyomi and Deku were quiet, but were eating their home-made lunch.

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